Chapter 2: Andreas Rossini

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~Lila's POV~

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~Lila's POV~


I popped open the door to the apartment as quietly as I could and lightly trodded in, my high heels making no noise whatsoever on the tiled floors due to my extensive assassin training. It was times like these that I was glad I was trained from a young age, it gave me the skill to walk past people without them knowing, especially overprotective best friends. And it was all going so well, I was almost at my bedroom, ready to rip this blazer off and jump into a fluffy hoodie, until my bloody phone started ringing.

"Shit!" I heard from the couch where Grey had fallen asleep, surrounded by an array of Chinese food.

Silently, I grabbed my phone out of my bag, feeling is disappointed glare on my head as he sat up on the couch.

"Hale speaking." I angrily growled into the phone. Who had the fucking audacity to call my phone at 1:30am. "It better be a fucking emergency."


Running down the dark alleyway, I chase the footsteps from up ahead. The dim streetlights flicker in the pitch black night as my chunky black combat boots slosh in the murky puddles surrounding me. Raindrops block my vision as I swerve between the side roads, running fast to catch up with my target.

Suddenly, the footsteps stop. He's hiding.

"Come out come out wherever you are, you scumbag." I manically chant. "You are going to pay for what you did to those people, those innocent people. And I will make sure of it."

I had been tracking him for over a week, finding out every single piece of information I could so that I could take him down. You see, he was trafficking women and children and selling them at underground auctions. Sick bastard. So, for the last week I've been tracking his every move so that I could kidnap him and torture the information out of him and save all those innocent lives. Sounds brutal, I know. But he deserves it. And, if not me, someone else would have done the same thing. Or he would have just ended up selling more and more people.

So, when my friend Viktor, who has been helping me track him, phoned me informing me that this scumbag was on the move to another kidnapping, you would imagine my haste in ripping the door open and running to the coordinates of his last sighting, ignoring Grey's protests behind me.

"Where are you, Andreas Rossini. You don't want to make me mad, do you? You've heard what happens when I GET MAD." I say in my coldest voice. I call it my devils voice. I only use it when I am doing assassin work or mafia work. You see, I am the feared assassin called "The Devil". I am the most feared assassin alive and also the most dangerous.

"That's it you little shit, you've angered me more than you can possibly know." I growled. This idiot has been wasting my time. I have dinner with Grey and my bloody Chinese food will be cold by now. Well, I guess that's also partly your fault that you took so long getting home. Well, okay then Linda. No need to be rude, bitch. I sigh, realising I had been arguing with my self-conscious again. What has the world come to. I even named her!

Quietening my steps, my ears prick at the quietened breath sounds. He's nearby.

I grabbed my gun out from my holster, making sure to keep my hood low down so that my face was covered.

I stopped breathing.




I sharply turned the corner and pushed the garbage can out the way, cornering Andreas. I raised my gun and pointed it swiftly at his temple. His skin paled had he flinched away, raising his hands in surrender.

"Please, please don't hurt me." He cried. "Please, I beg you."

But I was not about to give this man sympathy. No. He far from deserved it. No, I was going to torture him. Make him wish that he'd never hurt those innocent people. I was going to make him wish he was never born. I laughed silently, I was going to watch as the light slowly left his eyes.

"Too late, fuckface. You deserve everything that is coming to you." I growled, before swiftly shooting him in the shoulder.

As he wailed out in pain, dropping to my feet, I smiled a sadistic smile, glad to see he is beginning to pay for his crimes. Then, going back to my neutral expression, I said "I'm getting tired of your pointless moaning, you weak baby." And with that, I swept the back of his head with my gun, knocking him out in one quick move.

Calling Viktor once again, I exclaimed "envoie quelqu'un chercher le corps d'Andreas maintenant." (send someone to pick up Andreas' body now)

Sighing, I walked away, maneuvering myself out of the alley. I began walking back to the apartment, breathing in the crisp New York air, and watching as it left my nose in steamy fog, like I was a fire-breathing dragon.

Climbing the steps to the apartment, I realised that I needed to head back to my biological siblings' home, just to avoid suspicion, make it look to the outside world like I am still living there. Clutching my blood soaked jacket around my body, I entered the keys into the lock and stepped into the only place I felt safe, awaiting my best friend and the now cold Chinese food that I had been looking forward to for far too long.

If only the peace that rested through my body could last...

Hi! Hope you are all doing okay!

So, here's the second chapter! Finally seeing Lila's darker side.

I promise we will see her brothers soon, though if it will be a happy reunion you will have to wait and see.

Well, until next time, dear reader.


P.S. all the translations and other language bits are off of google translate since I don't speak French or Italian😅 Lila speaks a bunch of languages that you will learn in the later chapters, including French and Italian, though she usually used French over Italian as she feels more connected to the French side of her family. Her brothers use Italian more and don't know French :)

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