Chapter 4: Ace/Amber

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Dedications: My three kids. The oldest, middle, and youngest. 



I think watching Amber's futile and desperate attempt at finding another partner has been the most entertaining thing to do this whole week. Who knew the girl hated me that much? 

I watched at a distance, seeing the 6th person reject her, and smirked, satisfied that they listened. 


The Day Before

I knew Amber would go to any lengths to make sure she wasn't going to work with me on a project. But I also knew she valued her grades more than she gave herself credit for, and I was about to use that to my advantage. 

Funnily enough, she'd been occupying my thoughts against my will, and I smiled to myself as I stood by the swimming pool entrance where Amber was swimming, her face free of worries as she swam effortlessly. I found out through a few people that she held a gold medal in internal and external competitions for swimming. Just when I thought she couldn't be more interesting, I heard about that. 

She hadn't noticed me walking in, and I was hoping it would stay that way. I kept a very safe distance between me and the water, not just for her, but for me too. My gaze found her silhouette once again. Just a few minutes and I'll leave, I promise.


I lied. I stayed there for 15 minutes like a fucking creep watching her swim. Never would I have thought swimming would seem so seductive to me. Neither do I know whether it was just me being able to hide really well, or she was just too dense to notice someone was stalking her. God bless her. 

One day, she's going to drive me completely insane without even realizing it. I wanted her, it was no doubt, but I continued to lie to myself. This was nothing but infatuation that would soon be out of my system. But that was what I told myself when I threw the ball at her head the other day and shit didn't get any better. 

I stood up, making my mind up to make sure she'd only partner up with me for our final project. I don't know how I was going to do that, but I will. I left the swimming pool, making sure not to make too much noise with the door that'd indicate my presence and startle my dear Pancake.


I went into the hub where most of our mutual classmates stayed after classes sometimes. I spotted a kid named Andrew. I saw the fucker talking to Amber quite sometimes, and it's no doubt she'd approach him. He's a nice kid, though. I could take it easy on him. I pulled a chair next to him and sat down, facing him with a grin. 

"Hey there, Andrew," I spoke, waiting for him to set his eyes on me. As he did, he grinned back, obviously not expecting me to come to him. 

"Hey, Ace. Did you need something?" He asked, and I shrugged. 

"Do you have a partner, yet?" I asked, looking directly into his eyes, waiting for his answer, hoping it was a yes. He widened his eyes and shook his head.

"Well, no. Not yet, at least. Why?" He said, making me groan internally. Was I about to overstep by doing this? Probably. 

"No reason other than how absurd my words are going to sound in a second, and you're gonna do exactly as I say," I said monotonously as I stared blankly, seemingly making him uncomfortable.

"Do what, exactly?" He asked, chuckling nervously. Poor guy, he doesn't even deserve this.

"Amber's gonna come to you soon, whether that is today or tomorrow. Whatever she asks of you, you're going to say no." I said, jumping straight to the point as if I was so sure it was going to happen. 

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