Chapter 2: Amber/Ace

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Dedicated to ml even if it all got deleted, and i lost motivation; ty for waiting <3


I knew my expression expressed dismay and slight horror because right then, Eva spoke up, knowing who it was I was thinking about.

"Yeah. He's gonna be there." She said, nodding almost empathetically as I rubbed my temple.

Why this had bothered me so much? I wasn't about to go on a trip I've always wanted to go on only for it to be ruined because of some 6'1 idiota and his petty insults regarding my flatness.

"Like hell, he's gonna be there." I hissed, shaking my head. It was obvious he'd attend the excursion, considering he still was a final-year student, let alone a transfer one. Maybe because this trip's been your dream and you weren't about to let some bastardo ruin it for you. It's too late now, is it not?

Eva sighed, placing a hand on my shoulder as she began speaking. "Look, I get it. You and Ace have your differences," No kidding. Differences should be an understatement. "but maybe, just maybe," I glared at her, knowing she was going to suggest something absurd, but she glared back, her look daring me to interrupt her. I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Maybe, you both could set aside your differences for one day and have a normal conversation without either of you planning murder on each ot-"


Oh, he didn't.

"Whoops! Sorry, Pancake!" The voice cheered.

I laughed humorlessly. Eva looked at me, wide eyed. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, recovering from the impact the ball had on my head. Contributions to my migraine, great.

It didn't take an illiterate to figure out who was the source of the thrower. I heard a series of stifled laughter closely behind me before I looked at the volleyball on the floor near me and picked it up, still facing Eva.

Oh, I was mad. Eva shook her head slowly, giving me a look that spoke to me. Don't do anything stupid, it said. I gripped the ball firmly in my hand and scoffed.

"Set differences aside, hm?"

"Amber don't-"

I turned around and threw the ball directly at one of the guys Ace 'played' with. A gasp followed by silence fell in the hub and all that could be heard was the pained groans of the guy I just hit. Let's just say, he won't be making kids anytime soon.

"His laugh was annoying." I shrugged monotonously before locking gazes with blue. My expression went from monotone to a sense of hatred as I met his smug expression. Oh, I fucking hate you. I grabbed the ball that bounced near the whining guy.

With the volleyball gripped firmly in my hand, I walked towards Ace, who didn't move an inch and watched me with a challenging gaze. The corner of his lips turned up.

Don't make a scene, Amber.

I reached for my back pocket and took out my pocket knife, opening it and clutching it in my hand as I stood in front of him, having to crane my neck either way. Screw that height.

No one spoke, we both stared into each other's eyes, both our gazes illuminating challenge, fighting a silent battle of wills as the tension began to grow. The student hub was silent, but everyone knew what was going on.

With the ball in one hand and the knife in the other, I looked at him and spoke, venom laced in my voice.

"I was right about getting your eyes checked, you know?" He raised a brow, his gaze moving from my eyes to my lips. I placed the tip of the knife dangerously close. His eyes didn't move from my face. "Your optics nerves are truly so weak, that you can't even aim properly," Stab. "let alone your horrible precision." I tilted my head, narrowing my eyes as the knife pierced through the ball.

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