Dad? Part 4

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italicized = thinking

I let go after about 2 minutes. he looked me up and down, probably because I was covered in blood but that's not the point. That's when I got a good look at him even though I still had tears in my eyes. I didn't know who he was but he looked so familiar. I gave him the note my mom gave me and didn't say anything.

"What's this?" He asked. I didn't answer. I was scared. "Ok then?" He opened the note and started reading. His eyes went wide and looked at me looking up and down this time in full shock. "Wha- get in here." I obeyed. Once I was inside I turned to look at him and he did a double take on the door, I'm guessing to see if I was followed. Then he walked over to me, kneeled down and said, "What's your name?"

This time I answered in a very light barely audible voice, "Maria." He nodded and looked down. I still felt like I knew him from somewhere, but I was in shock and couldn't think straight.

"Well Maria I'm your Father." He said in a tone that was almost forgiving, "I'm sorry I didn't know you even existed, your mom never contacted me." He paused. "Can I ask you a question?" I nodded, "What happened?" Even if I wanted to answer I couldn't, my throat went dry and I felt the familiar burn in my eyes. My mind was racing at 100 miles an hour. Everything was blurry, it felt like the world was spinning, and I felt my legs give out then everything went black.

I woke up breathing heavily in a panic. I thought it was just a dream but then I looked around in the unfamiliar room. I was in a room that wasn't mine in a bed that wasn't mine. It wasn't a nightmare, I thought. My mom is actually gone. And now I have a dad?

"Hello?" I got up from the bed and walked towards the door. "Anyone home?"

"Hello." A woman said. She had what I assume to be an Irish accent.

"Who said that?" I looked around in a sort of panic.

"I'm FRIDAY. Shall I inform Mr.Stark you're awake?"

OF CORSE! That's why he looked familiar! How could I be so dumb?! I thought.

"Um sure?" I said.

This is so cool! I'm the daughter of Tony Stark. THE TONY STARK. I wonder what Peter's doing? Is he safe? Wait, does that mean I'm a billionaire? Is this what mom ment when she told me he was an important person? Well duh Maria. My mind kept going back and forth with this but all my thoughts were interrupted when he came over to me. OH MY THOR IT'S TONY STARK! HE'S MY DAD?! Wait... yeah he is.  He crouched down to me and looked me up and down.

"You little miss need a shower," He said laughing through his nose, "and some new clothes." I smiled at him.

Right. I'm probably full of ... yeah, This is real right? I wish mom was here. How am I gonna get my clothes back? Am I even gonna get them back? Most likely not. 

"Where are we gonna get clothes for me? I don't think I fit in your clothes, I'm too well you know... small"I shrugged and looked at him. he just laughed again and shook his head.

"I have a machine that can make clothes for you."


"Yeah! Wanna see?"

I nodded my head. He stood up and reached for my hand, I took it so he could lead the way. We entered a room that was the size of my room at my house, wasn't small but definitely wasn't big. We walked to the corner of the room and he let my hand go, I let go as well because I wanted to explore this room. There were so many machines it looked like a dream. I was and still am a smart girl. My mom said I got it from my dad. Now I believe her. I could solve a middle schoolers math problem when I was 6. It was really easy for me, don't know why but it was. I found Inventing and science really interesting and would build launchers with Peter to knock down cups that we would stack. So obviously I would love this room. My dad looked at me as I was completely mesmerized by all this stuff. I turned to him and he said, "You ok?"

"Yup!" I said and started walking towards him.

"Here." He said tapping his lap and extending his arms to me, "wanna sit with me?" I nodded and walked to him.

"How does this work?" I asked,a little confused.

"Ok here let me show you. First you see that little button on that screen that looks like a tablet?" He asked and I nodded, "ok push that." I pushed it and a bunch of designs came up on the screen. My jaw dropped and I heard my dad laugh behind my head. "Now you just pick a picture, design, you know what to do." Now it was my turn to laugh. "What are you laughing at little miss?"

"You!" I said looking at him. He made a fake hurt look on his face and gasped. I bursted out laughing and he smiled at me then he picked me up off his lap and stood up then put me on the chair we were just in. I looked up at him and he said "You know what to do so knock yourself out. Just... don't go too crazy. Got it?" I nodded and he walked out of the room. My dad is tony stark. this is so cool!

Word count: 964

I'm so sorry this took so long I have just been swamped lately but its ok I'm back and I'm ready to write. [she says as writer's block hits] I was originally gonna post this on father's day but my plans did not work out as you can see 😅  anyway I hope you're having a fantastic day and i'll see you next chapter. Laters gators.  <3 

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