Change In Perspective Part 3

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I saw her. My mom. She was lying on the floor next to the couch, still as a rock. I didn't care about how tired I was or that my legs felt like they were about to fall off anymore. I looked at the floor and saw one of my worst nightmares. Dark liquid surrounded my mom. I tried to look for the phone but of course it was broken. I walked over to her.

"Mom?" I said sobbing at this point. I got to my knees and looked at my mom's stomach. It was either caused by a knife or gun. I knew this because my mom taught me how to patch a wound. So I put my hands on her wound to apply pressure and I could feel the blood. I grabbed my mom's hand and held it tight. "Help! Someone please call an ambulance! I-I need help! Hello! Someone please! anyone."

"Maria?" She said so low it was a whisper. I looked at her, eyes puffy and red.

"Mom!" I said "It's ok it's ok we'll get someone and you'll be ok." But deep down I knew this was it. She let out a grunt and a sigh. She grabbed something from under the couch. I looked at her confused, my eyes still filled with tears no matter how hard I tried to push them back.

"Take this. It's your Father's address. Y-you have to get there and-" she took a breath, "and give that to anyone who answers the door, ok?" She handed me an envelope and a piece of paper holding the address.

"Ok." I said with a shaky breath tears now falling like a waterfall .

"I will always love you Maria." And just like that she closed her eyes and let out her last breath.

"Mom. Mom?" I shook her, "Mom this isn't funny. Please you- you can't. MOM! Please! Please no. no no no no" My hands started to shake and I scooted back. I put my hands up to my face, totally forgetting about the blood there. I put my knees up to my chest and started bawling even more, rocking back and forth. Then I heard something open. I quickly got to my feet and looked around ready to punch whatever came at me.

The mirror turned into something that could open like a door. I looked in and saw a backpack and different things like paper work, and everything that had anything to do with me. So I stuffed the backpack with everything that was in there. I saw a necklace and put it on. I look at the address in my hand and look back to my mom. Dead. I thought. She's actually gone.

I turned to the door and ran looking at the address in my hand. People kept looking at me while I was going down the streets and every time someone looked a little too long I ran like my life depended on it. They were probably staring because my white dress was full of blood and so were my hands, face, and legs. Probably thought I killed someone. After I ran for like the third time I just avoided people. Now looking back I should've done it in the first place, but I was in shock so I couldn't really think. After about 10-20 minutes I reached the place. I was confused because it was HUGE like it was super tall. I knocked two times at first then started banging on the door. A man of about medium height with brown hair opened the door and said "Listen I don't ha-" I didn't let him finish and just hugged his legs, I could've knocked him down, I almost did but he gained his balance back.

word count: 632 

by now you've probably figured out who it is but eh. im kidding. I hope you liked it. And like always tell me what you think so far & thank you for reading. Love you 3000 <3

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