Chapter 7-A little bit of JayRoy

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Jason finally snatches Roy and gets him away from the team who's still asking questions. He doesn't want to answer any more questions.

At first they were good and valid questions, some he couldn't even answer but then they just became stupid and some even invasive. Though it's not like Megan meant any harm by them.

He really hopes this whole month passes by quickly, he wants a break from the team already.

Jason sighs as he heads up the stairs with Roy next to him. Roy grabs his hand and squeezes it softly.

"You're a good brother you know. I know your family isn't the very 'talking about feelings type' but you're a good brother." Roy says and Jason chuckles, shaking his head.

"My family is dysfunctional as hell. I wouldn't say I'm a good brother, maybe a decent one. But thanks for trying to cheer me up." Jason smiles softly at Roy.

"Of course, that's my job when you're upset isn't it?" Roy smiles and they get to Jason's room, flopping onto the bed.

"I'm so tired of being in the manor for so long. I need to do something." Jason grumbles.

"You could do me." Roy teases and Jason shoves him, his cheeks tinted pink.

"Shut up. Dick would kill us if anyone heard."

"Which is precisely why you just need to be quite." Roy smirks as he crawls over to Jason who scoffs.

"You're the one who's always too loud. I can be perfectly quiet." Jason states confidently.

"Oh yeah? Then let's find out~" Roy says as he gets on top of Jason. They had a lot of fun that night.

How do you guys feel about spicy scenes? Do you want them? I'll give them to you guys if you want them but idk if I should put them in this book. If you guys want some spicy scene's I'll give them to you though, just comment if you want them.

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