Chapter 6-Maybe this wasnt a good idea...

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Dick changes into his casual clothes, a kid flash hoodie and black leggings. He comes down from his room and sees everyone in the living room. He smiles softly at his second family and goes over to them, they already have popcorn and other snacks out.

He sits between Jason and Damian in the middle couch, Tim being kicked to the floor but he doesn't mind. Jon is sitting next to Damian and Roy next to Jason on the floor.

The team is on the other two couches to the side, Artemis, Kaldur, and Wally on one and Conner, Megan on the other.

"So what movie are we watching?" Dick asks Wally who's using their remote to scroll through movies.

Wally looks at Dick and blushes lightly at seeing him in a kid flash hoodie and tight leggings of all things, everyone sure does know who Dick's favorite is now. After a moment of staring Wally snaps back and looks at Dick's face. "I was thinking of The Lion King?"

"I've never heard about it." Dick says and chuckles at Wally's shocked expression.

"We'll you're in for a treat! The music is great in this movie. And I love the villain. There is one sad scene in it though." Wally warns and Dick nods, relaxing into the couch with a bowl of popcorn in his lap.

Megan turns the lights off and Wally starts the movie, everything is going nicely and everyone has a great time until a certain scene comes on.

Jason and Damian react before Dick could see what really happened. Right when Scar grabbed Mufasa Damian jumped into Dick's lap and covered his eyes, Jason scrambling to cover Dick's ears.

Dick, being confused on what's going on as he can't hear or see the movie anymore tries to squirm out of their grip. "Guys! Get off of me! It's this a prank Jason?!"

The team starts in shock and confusion at the scene while Damian yells at Tim. "Drake hurry up and speed it up!"

"That's what I'm doing!" Tim yells back as he snatches the remote from Wally and skips ahead to the Akuna Matata scene. Once Jason and Damian know it's safe they get off Dick and uncover his ears.

"Guys! You made me miss the movie!" Dick whines and Jason pulls him into a side hug.

"It was for the best dickie bird." Dick freezes for a moment, Jason rarely gives him hugs so he stays quiet and accepts it.

The team looks between each other before Megan sets up a mind link.

"What was that all about?" Artemis asks.

"I think it was about the death? Maybe they knew Dick couldn't handle seeing Mufasa die?" Megan suggest.

"I'll ask about it later, nows not the time." Wally states. The team looks at him, a bit surprise with how much confidence he has in that statement. Which sufficiently ends the conversation.

They all nod though and go back to watching the movie, everyone keeping an eye on Dick though in case any more sad scenes come on.

By the end of the movie though Dick fell asleep on Jason's shoulder who doesn't seem to mind that much, he's actually smiling a little.

Jason holds a finger up to his lips and everyone nods, Damian and Jon move and Jason slowly and carefully lays Dick down, Tim covering him up with a blanket.

Jason motions them to follow him out and they all go to the kitchen.

"I knew his eye bags were getting worser than normal." Tim says once they're in the kitchen.

Jason nods. "Yeah, but at least he's sleeping now. Though knowing him he's going to wake up any minute."

"And why would that be?" Kaldur asks, very much curious.

"Dick can sense when he's alone when he's sleeping. And he hates sleeping alone unless it's in his own bed." Jason says simply.

"Then why did we leave him alone?" Artemis sass's.

"Cause you have questions, duh. It's so obvious you guys want answers it's annoying you won't just ask." Damian sass's back.

While Artemis and Damian have a glaring contest Wally sneaks out and back to the living room.

Wally is worried about Dick, very worried actually. He didn't think his brothers would react like that to the one scene alone. Wally goes over to the still sleeping Dick and sits next to him on the floor, when brushing some of his hair out of his face he notices Dick looks scared. He must be having a nightmare of some kind.

Wally grabs Dick's hand gently and rubs it softly, watching Dick's face slowly relax and go into a peaceful sleep. Wally smiles softly and stays next to Dick as he sleeps peacefully.

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