Shipwrecked - WR

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Type: Fluff / Action / little bit of Angst

Warnings: tending to bruises

Word Count: 2980

Basic Plot: You and Will were hit by an asteroid while trying to land on a new planet to explore and end up having to spend the night in a cave before his family can get there to pick you up.

≪◦ ❈ ◦≫

"Shit." I say, slowly starting to panic. Will, who is already trying to put on his seatbelts as fast as possible, looks to my side.

"What's wrong?" he asks loudly over the noise.

"I can't put on the belt! It's stuck!" I explain, my breathing getting quicker by the second. The shaking of the ship doesn't help one bit.

"Shit." Will says and gets up without hesitation to help me. "What are you doing?!" I ask, "You have to put on your own seatbelt!!"

He ignores me and helps me put on the seatbelt. When it's done, he puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Impact in T-30 seconds." the computer says. Will ignores it and looks at me: "Hey. We're gonna make it." He nods affirmatively. I sigh deeply and nod as well.

"Impact in T-10 seconds."

Will rushes over to his seat and puts on his seatbelts while the whole Jupiter rattles and shakes, causing me to faint and let go of the belts on my chest.

All I remember after that was hearing Will shout my name.

≪◦ ❈ ◦≫

When I wake up, my breathing suddenly increases and I begin to panic. There's a crack in my helmet's glass. "Shit." I whisper and pull up my arm to check the air.

Breathing is fine, which means the air is pure. My vital signs are okay as well, I must have landed on something softer.

I put my arm back down and gather my strength to try and get back up. That's when a sharp pain hits me in my head. "Agh, shit." I pant, using all my strength to sit up and take off my helmet.

That helps a bit but my skin still hurts on my forehead. I must have cut it with the broken glass. I stand up and try to balance my steps as well as possible.

Just then I realize that I haven't seen Will. And to my shock, I can only see half of our Jupiter on the ground here. It was destroyed when we landed.

"Will?!" I shout worriedly, starting to walk around to search for him. That's what he must have shouted at me for. Maybe something hit us.

"Will!" I try again, tears now forming in my eyes. I look around, searching for any signs of smoke or debris, and begin to lose hope.

I raise my arm again and use the radio. "Will? Are you there?" I say, waiting for an answer. No one answers.

I change the radio frequency and try again: "Will? Can you hear me?" There's silence. But I hear a little noise in the background, like deep breathing.

"Will?" I try again, this time softer. Time stops as I wait for his answer. If he isn't alive, then I'll never find him, I won't make it back to Alpha Centauri and-

"Y/n?" I hear a weak voice.

"Will?!" I practically shout with excitement. "Is that you?" I ask.

"Yeah," I hear. "Are you okay?", I ask happily, "Where are you?"

"Uhh," Will says and then there's a long pause, "There's smoke coming from my part of the Jupiter. I think I got stuck with the engine."

My eyes widen. The engine. "Is it leaking?" I ask him. He takes time to look around and then answers. "Yes, but slowly. I gotta get out of here but there's a huge piece of metal on top of me."

Danger Maxwell JenkinsWhere stories live. Discover now