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i stretch my arms out and yawn, a bone or two popping as move my shoulder blades together and crack my neck. the blue sheets i'm tangled up in hide my clothed body. well, semi clothed. a pair of boxers and a possibly stolen tee is thrown sloppily over me, giving an illusion of a shapeless blob. or a child draped in a sheet for halloween. same vibe i guess.

a scent of waffle batter cooking hits my nose, and i close my eyes, taking a deep breath. i get half of my body off the bed, but stop myself before my butt comes off. i lay back down, relishing the warmth of the bed, as the sheets beckon me to fall back asleep. but the waffles are much more convincing than the bed.

i sit up, my throat making a small groan involuntarily as my body protest the fact. i push my self up off of my knee and grab my phone from the nightstand. i lazily make my way to the hallway between the kitchen, the bedroom, and the bathroom. i decide if i want to brush my teeth or not. if i do, my mouth will taste good. if i don't, i can drink orange juice.

to the dismay of my dentist, i choose the kitchen, and continue, looking at random things on my phone. i sit down on the couch and lean back, looking at the view from my apartment. it didn't look anywhere special, like central park or times square. just skyscrapers full of offices. the tv plays the office, but the sound is turned off. i can make out some of the words micheal is saying, but not really.

from the guest room, i hear blythe slap an alarm clock to snooze it. i jump a little at the sudden warmth on my shoulders.

"mornin," i feel someone kiss my scalp, and when i turn my head up i see his face. my heart skips a beat.

"i would kiss you back, but morning breath, y'know." 

"i don't care," he kisses me anyway, a slight kiss, just to show his affection. he ruffles my hair and i smile, "i love when you do that."

he kisses my smile and goes back to his waffles. i watch the silent office for awhile before a plate appears in front of me, honey, syrup, and blueberries slathered on top. he knows how i like it.

"thanks," i go to cut it, and then realize he already cut it, "oh. i could just kiss you right now, but i need my mouth for my waffles."

"that's fair," he takes a huge bite of his waffle before grabbing the remote and turning the tv up. i start my waffle, as i hear another slam come from the guest bedroom.

"yeah they're tired i guess," i say through a whole mouth of food, "so am i." i barely stop myself from yawning.

"after this we can go back to sleep. ain't got nothin better to do," he shrugs.

"good point." i speed eat my waffle, shoveling it into my mouth.

"you're going to choke."

"i don't care. #yolo."

"if you die by choking on a waffle i'm not calling the ambulance. suffer in your idiocy." he says sternly, but i just ignore him and continue to scarf down my waffle.

"done!" i get up and return my plate to the kitchen, tossing the plate haphazardly into the sink. it clinks against the sides, and reminds me to be more careful.

"i'll be in there once i'm done eating," his voice calls from the other side of the room. i get into bed, and snuggle up how i was earlier. i go on my phone and absentmindedly scroll through tiktok. once i get bored of that, and hearing blythe slam their alarm several more times, i finally give up, and toss my phone on the charger.

"fuck you!" i yell out and lay face down on the bed. maybe i'll suffocate to death before he comes in.

"i'm here bitch tits." schlatts comforting voice booms in the room as he sits on the bed, "calm the fuck down."

"where's that lovey dovey boyfriend from earlier," i turn my head to the side and bat my eyelashes.

"up your ass," he lays down next to me and shifts so he's facing away from me.

i know what he wants, i just don't know if i can do it. i sigh and wrap my arms around his body in a weak attempt to big spoon him.

"you fucking suck at this," he rolls around and i feel him pressing into me, holding me tight. he kisses the side of my head as i grin, giddy as hell.

i grab my phone, and at the large sigh from blythe in the other room followed by a yell, slam, and shuffling, i take it as my cue to shut up and watch netflix, schlatt's head leaning over my shoulder.

"love you,"

"yeah yeah whatever fuckface,"

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