Basketball Game

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The next day the campers were on the bus they were going to camp mohawk for a basketball game.

Sonic Tails Knuckles Julia Chapa Bose Mika and Miles did see a pair of pants hanging on the flag pole.

"Whose pants are these?" Mika asked.

"I don't know." said Julia.

"Who puts a pair pants on the flagpole?" Miles asked.

"That seems wild." said Tails.

"Who does that?" said Knuckles.

"Let's not get into details and get on the bus."

At camp mohawk animals crossing male humans were playing against male mohawk campers.

Team Sonic and Danger Force and other animal crossing humans watched the game.

5 female animal crossing humans were cheerleaders at the game so did female mohawk campers.

"So how does basketball works?" Knuckles asked.

"You pass the ball with your teammates then you shoot the ball into the basket to score points." Julia explained.

During the game North Star is being beaten by Mohawk when they attempt their own perverse form of victory. 

"Mohawks are hard to beat." said Brain.

"What we are gonna do?" asked Gabriel.

"Don't worry I'll take care of it."

Team Sonic and Danger Force came up to mohawks campers and pulled their pants down.

"Yes got them."

"That's for pouring milkshake on my head you jerks."

Camp mohawk campers went after them.

They got on the bus just in time.

Later in the evening campers were sitting by the campfire camp counselor Lincoln was telling a campfire story.

The story was called do not visit lover's dane.

"A went to the movies, and stopped at the local Lover's Lane for some kissing. The boy turned on the radio to set the mood. Just as he reaches his arms around his girlfriend, a news bulletin warns of an escaped murderer who has a hook for a right hand. The man had escaped from a facility for the criminally insane.

The boy thinks it will be funny to tease his girlfriend to scare her. He begins to tell her he is sure they are in a place the escapee might choose to hide. He goes on and on terrifying his girlfriend. He hoped she would throw herself into his arms for comfort, however his plan backfires. His girlfriend insists they leave right away.

Reluctantly, the boy drives his girlfriend home. When she gets out, she begins yelling and faints. The young man jumps out and runs around the car. There, on her door handle, is a bloody hook!"

That story made everyone scream.

Tails was frightened.

"It's okay buddy it's just a story it's not real." Sonic said comforting Tails.

"People tell scary stories by the campfire all the time." said Bose.

"Is stories always this scary." Knuckles asked curiously.

"It can be however some stories aren't that scary."

"Oh my god that was scary." said Julia.

Chapa was hugging Julia for comfort.

"Next time we should sing songs so you don't get anxiety attack."

"Yeah that would be a good idea."

"I'm not watching Norm Of The North again that movie is the WOOOOOOOORST."

Everyone giggled.

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