Jogging In The Woods

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One beautiful morning Sonic Tails Knuckles Julia Chapa Bose Mika and Miles were waking up from their sleep.

They were stretch and rub the sleep out of their eyes.

"Good morning everyone." said Julia.

"Good morning Julia." her friends repiled.

"Did you all have good sleep." 

"I slept good last night." said Bose.

"I had a good sleep last night." said Sonic.

Everyone got dressed and head down to the cafeteria for breakfast.

After that the campers were doing their camp activities.

"Hey guys want to go for a run." Sonic asked.

"Sure." they all said.

"All right on your marks get set go."

Everyone started jogging in the woods.

Sonic was so fast while running.

"Running is a good exercise." said Tails.

"At least villains are not here to ruin our summer." said Knuckles.

"Knuckles we're at camp it's nice to get away from battles." said Julia.

"Julia is right we're at camp nothing bad is going to happen."

"Don't you guys just love nature?" Chapa asked.

"Nature is ok I'm looking forward to eat shmores by the campfire." said Miles.

"Wait you think they'll call shmores?"

"No not shmores, S'mores." Julia said correctly.

Knuckles has not heard of S'mores before.

"What is S'mores?" he asked.

"S'mores is campfire treat consisting of one or more toasted marshmallows and a layer of chocolate sandwiched between two pieces of graham cracker." Julia explained.

"Yum sounds delicious."

"One thing about nature you have to look out for poison ivy you can get rash from that."

"Yikes that's not good."

Just then they spotted a porcupine.

"Whoa! that's a crazy looking dog."

"It's not a dog silly goose it's a porcupine."

"I wanna pet it." said Bose.

"Don't touch the porcupine he's covered in painfully sharp quills."

They jogged for 15 minutes.

They did have a drink of water.

"Whew that was a good workout." said Mika.

"Man this feels good."

In the afternoon Julia and Sonic played tennis with Katie and Brain.

Julia was keeping her eyes on the ball.

Sonic was fast at tennis.

"Wow Sonic you're speedy at this game." said Julia.

"I have played table tennis before."

"You seem to be good at sports."

Julia and Sonic won the game.

Later that night Team Sonic and Danger Force were having S'mores by the campfire.

They were enjoying it.

After that they looked at the stars in the sky.

"Look at these stars aren't they beautiful."

 "Yeah is it beautiful."

"If you look at the stars you can see the constellations."

Team Sonic and Danger Force were pointing out each constellations.

"Here's one the big dipper."

"Oh yeah looks like a spoon."

"Here's another one Aquarius."

"Good eye Julia."

"I see Scorpius." Tails pointed out.

"You're right Tails."

"I see Gemini."

"This is fun i like stargazing."

"It's great way to end our day."


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