Chapter Thirty.

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Exactly three seconds later, I realize that I have stopped breathing. How did he know I was here? Did he follow me here?

Will he kill me now?

"Hey, Aiden." William walks past me and stops in front of Aiden. Aiden places a firm hand on William's shoulder and looks at him. From where I am standing, I can't see Aiden's face but I'm sure they exchanged a look, a look I wasn't supposed to see.

He then looks past William, and our eyes meet.

"You should've told me if you were going to meet him for lunch." He says with a smile, I manage to smile back and try to study his face.  

He seems normal, he's smiling. He seems peaceful with no visible intentions of killing anyone.

We sit down once again, this time with Aiden sitting right beside me.

He doesn't ask us the reason for our sudden meeting nor do I ask him how he got here.

We're probably keeping this conversation for later. 

After lunch, We say goodbye to William and I follow him to his car.

I have a feeling that he's probably in a good mood now, maybe he won't even ask me anything. Maybe he would be ready to talk to me now.

We get into the car and he cranks the engine. 

"Are we going back to the office?" I ask him even though it's obvious.

"I'm dropping you home and then I'm going back to the office." He replies as he starts the car. I turn towards him.

"Why? don't you need me in the office?" I ask him, what is he trying to do?

"I'm dropping you home so you can get all that shit, that's in your mind, out and think about what you've been up to lately." He replies again, his voice flat.

My eyes widen a bit, but I have to stay strong. I can't get scared of him.

He starts speeding the car on the road and I cross my arms across my chest.

"I'm coming to the office with you," I tell him, my voice firm.

"Don't talk back to me." He says, without even looking at me. 

"You're taking me to the office with you, that's it." I turn my face towards the window, trying hard to ignore how crazy my heart is going right now.

A second later, the car comes to a halt and he grabs my forearm. He makes me face him and that's when I see the anger in his eyes.

"I swear to God, Marilyn... I'm trying hard not to kill you right now, so just do what I'm telling you to do." He hisses, his face just inches apart from mine.

"Go ahead. Kill me, Mr. Hayes." I don't know why I said that, but I regret saying that a second later. Because what if he really does?

He keeps on looking at me and then starts leaving my forearm. But this time I grab his hand, not allowing his hand to retrieve. 

"I need my answers, Aiden. Or I'll leave you." 

"Leave me and go where?" He asks, still looking at me. He thinks I can't leave him. He thinks I'm nothing without him.

"Anywhere. I'll divorce you and leave." I threaten him. Even though I have no intentions of doing so but maybe that will get him to open his mouth.

He cocks an eyebrow at this and pulls me closer to him.

"Oh, really? You will?" He wants to know, I nod. I might actually end up divorcing him if he doesn't open his mouth right now.

He retrieves his hand and starts the car. I look down at my hand in disbelief, I was holding his hand with as much force as I could but he just retrieved it like nothing?

I feel humiliated.

"I'll jump out of the car." I try once again.

"Well, go ahead." He says, it seems like this situation is amusing him. He is enjoying this. Huh.

"I'll really do it, Aiden." I'm scared right now. What if he wants me to try and jump out of the car?

I'll have to do it. Or I'll feel embarrassed in front of him.

"Okay, here I go," I say, I'm sure my voice shook a bit and he would have noticed it.

He doesn't look at me and I'm pretty sure I noticed a small smile playing on his lips.

I look at the door, it's unlocked. He forgot to lock the doors. Shit. Shit.

Why is the universe doing this to me? Why?

Everyone wants me to die today.

I feel like crying.

I look at him again, and I know he thinks that he has locked the doors.

"Okay, Goodbye then." With that, I open the door and nearly scream because he's not driving the car, he's flying it and if I set one toe down, I'll end up losing my whole foot.

Before I can even move further, He grabs my arm once again, but this time with so much force that I feel like my arm's been ripped off.

He pulls me towards him until I'm on top of him. He doesn't stop driving the car as he extends his arm to shut the door. I involuntarily bury my face in his neck and start taking deep breaths to calm myself down. Shit. That was intense.

The car is still speeding on the road and I'm afraid that it might crash, I'm straddling his lap and this is weird. I pull away from his neck and look at him. He looks... scared.

Of course, he would be. He can't let this happen or his face would've been on all the news channels and newspapers the moment I croaked.

He stops the car on the side of the road and looks at me.

"Are you crazy?" He asks me, his face is red and his eyes hold a scared look in them. I instantly feel bad for him.


"What do you want to know? If I kill people? No, I don't. I make other people kill assholes who make my life hell. Anything else, Marilyn?"

I stare at him, wide-eyed, this isn't something I had expected. Or maybe, I had. 

"What do you mean?" I manage to get this out. I'm scared of the person I'm currently sitting on. I'm scared of him. I retrieve my hands which were placed on his shoulder and cross them across my chest. 

Who is he?

"That's just what I do, I can't tell you any more than that, why don't you understand?" He wants to know, he's getting frustrated. His hands are still on the steering wheel. He has caged me. Between his arms. In his life.

"Why can't I know?" I ask him. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. He keeps them close for a few moments. Then he opens them again.

"Because, if you got to know everything, they'll come after you too." 

"Who are they, Aiden?" What the hell is going on? This makes no sense at all.

"The people who are after this all. This business, and everything...," He looks away from me. I know he wants to tell me but he's hesitating.

I grab his face and make him look at me.

"Tell me everything. Please. I have to know everything about the man I married. Please, Aiden." I plead. I think I have tears in my eyes. I want to know everything. I really do. I'm desperate.

He places his hands on my shoulders and looks straight into my eyes.

"I'm a Mafia boss, Marilyn."

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