Epilogue: The Gift

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"This book was written using
100% recycled words."

― Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters

Epilogue: The Gift

Foaming waves rolled in and withdrew, some of them reaching far enough to cover the old woman's bare feet. She didn't seem to mind; her gaze was set on the thin line where the dark sea met the grey, cloudy sky.

The Lord and Lady of Mandos joined her.

"Thou persistest in lingering," Námo stated.

She smiled distractedly. "Mm."

"The Halls of Waiting were never meant to be a permanent residence. Thy Gift awaitest thee; wherefore dost thou not go on?"

"Not yet."

"What art thou waiting for?"

"My husband."

Námo glanced at Vairë. "This hath happened before, hath it not?"

She smiled. "Aye. Young Beren was headstrong as well."

The woman finally looked up. "If he could do it, then so can I. I'm a Swede; we are good at waiting."

Vairë indicated a smudge on the horizon. "Methinks thy waiting hath come to an end."

The smudge was a ship. When it approached, the three onlookers saw that there were people on board: a white-bearded dwarf and two blond elves.

"Over here!" yelled the woman, waving an arm eagerly.

"Coming!" yelled one of the elves before turning to his companions. "It is time to part. I love you, Father. And... Please give my love to Mother, too. Tell her I am sorry I could not go to her."

The other elf didn't reply, he just took him into his arms and hugged him long and hard. When he released him lines of pain marred his ageless face.

With misty eyes, his son turned to the dwarf. "And you... My dear Gimli. You have been a true friend. I could not–"

"Yeah, lad, I know. I know." The dwarf wiped his face. "We've said goodbye so many times already. Now, go to your wife!"

The elf nodded his head quickly. "Aye, I will. It is just hard to let go." With that, he dived overboard in an elegant arc and began swimming with long strokes. "Farewell," he called over his shoulder. "I shall miss you!"

The woman ran towards him and they met halfway, clinging to each other in a wet hug with waves lapping at their knees. "Finally," she sobbed happily. "What took you so long?"

"It was only a few weeks since you died. I had to purchase the ship, gather supplies, pick up Father and Gimli, say goodbye to everyone... It took a while."

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