9. Stories in the Dark

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"Some girl who can't tell the difference between a wolf and her grandmother must either have been as dense as teak or come from an extremely ugly family

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"Some girl who can't tell the difference
between a wolf and her grandmother
must either have been as dense as teak
or come from an extremely ugly family."

― Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men

9. Stories in the Dark

When Gandalf woke them up a few hours later Kat took her usual morning bath – i.e. licking her fur thoroughly – while Legolas combed and braided his hair.

I wish I too had some way to clean myself, he thought morosely. I miss baths!

She looked at him. To her, he appeared as clean and neat as usual. Don't fret. You look good.

Well I know that. He smirked. Good – but filthy! He held out a golden strand of his hair and dropped it with distaste.

Want me to lick it for you?

Nah... I am good.

Licking oneself is not all fun and games, you know. The furballs make it almost not worth it... But with my present cat's instincts I shudder at the thought of a real bath.

Interesting. So you have two different personas right now – cat and human?

More like meshed together. Sometimes I don't know if I want something because my cat part needs it or if it's genuinely my own wish. Kind of confusing actually, and a bit uncomfortable. She did not add that one of those needs was the urge to cuddle with him. She was beginning to suspect she would have wanted that if she were a woman too. Cuddle and... other things.

Part of why I did not believe you were a woman at first, was how animal-like you were. I could not imagine a human toying with the feathers of my arrows or Gandalf's beard. He chuckled. But I guess it makes sense in a way; your soul is adapting itself to its host.

After a short pause, he added thoughtfully: That makes me wonder how much of my own behavior comes from my elf body, and how much is really me?

Hm. Never thought of that. This is getting quite philosophical. When I was a woman, which of my choices, preferences and interests would have been different in this body – or in yours?

Aye, and how much is just basic survival instinct? I may think I like almond cookies, but what if that is only because I need the nutrients and would die unless I ate?

You like almond cookies? Tell me about your favorite foods. I'm so hungry. Kat licked her nose, feeling her stomach growl emptily.

That will only make it feel worse.

I don't care.

Shrugging, Legolas humored her and began a long account of the elvish cuisine.

Meanwhile, the Fellowship had made themselves ready to leave. Gandalf, who had spent the time while the others slept thinking, had finally figured out which path to choose: the one which smelled less foul.

Cat of the Fellowship // Legolas x OC, Boromir x OCWhere stories live. Discover now