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Dahlia. (23 years before)

I avoid his gaze as he stares at me in shock after the Counsellor introduces me.

As stupid as I might sound, I hadn't wanted him to find out that I was in fact the Princess.

It's extremely extremely rare to not be immediately recognised and I was shocked when I stared at my mate yesterday's and saw absolutely no recognition in his eyes.

Although it was unrealistic, I hoped it could remain like that for a while.

"Nice to meet you, princess," the Alpha with my mate greeted and bared his neck.

My mate paused a bit before baring his neck as well and my gut wrenched at the sight. He shouldn't have to do that, we were mates.

As much as I wanted to avoid his gaze, I couldn't help it. My eyes were drawn to his and his eyes were full of hurt. I dropped my eyes.

The Counsellor and the Alpha were already moving again and my mate went with them. My heart thundered in my chest as he passed right by me.

When they had gone, I leaned on the wall and tried to steady my breathing.

"Your highness," Ana, my maid asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just need some fresh air."

I went out into the palace gardens. The bright colours of the flowers always calmed me down.

I really wanted to shift to my wolf but I knew my parents would throw a fit. Shifting required preparation in their opinion.

I stared at the little roses as I thought about what to do, how I was going to rectify things with my mate.

My mate whose name I still didn't know.

I was going to do what I should have done from the beginning, be honest.

Determined now, I make my way back into the palace, dismissing Ana. I head to the sitting room that I'd found him in yesterday and sure enough, he was there again today.

Except he wasn't the only one there this time. There were a bunch of other people waiting for their turn to see my father.

As I entered, all heads turned to me and shock registered on their faces when they recognised me.

I went to the man I had come looking for who was now eyeing me warily.

"Could we please talk?" I asked him as quietly as possible. An effort in futility seeing as we were in a room full of werewolves.

He still looked at me as if he was not quite sure he should trust me. Then he stood up.

Elated, I led him out of the room and back to the garden outside.

"I'm sorry," I blurted out immediately we came to a halt, "You didn't know who I was and that was new. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"There's no need to apologise, Princess," his tone was still short and his calling me 'princess' irked me.


"Excuse me?"

"You're my mate, my name is Dahlia not princess."

He looked at me for a while then his eyes widened, "You mean you're not rejecting me?"

"Rejecting you? Why would I do such a thing?" I frowned. Was it that he didn't want to be with me?

Well if he didn't, I wasn't going to do his dirty work. If he didn't want this, he would have to be the one to say the words.

"I thought that was the whole point of this. You're a princess. It's obvious this is the most equal of matches," he scratched the back of his neck, looking away.

Hesitantly, I reached up and took his hand away from his neck, holding it, "I couldn't care less about your rank. The moon goddess put us together. That's all I care about."

In taking his hand, I had inadvertently shifted closer to him and I only now just realised how close we were.

He looked down at me, his eyes searching mine, "Can I kiss you?"

I nodded without thinking twice. His lips met mine and they felt perfect. It was the beginning of the rest of my life.

"We have to tell my parents!" My parents had been pressuring me about getting mated. They said it would strengthen my claim to the throne when the time came.

I could care less about the throne but they wanted me to find a mate, and I had found mine.

I knew my father would be busy attending to people so my mother would have to hear the news first.

Vance, I finally got his name, and I spent some time in the garden first. Looking at flowers and talking. I found that he was a very interesting person. He spoke of his pack and how they were all so close even though they were poor. How Alpha Kane was teaching him things and how he'd ended up following him here to meet my father.

Finally, when I knew my mother would be having her tea, Vance and I returned inside and headed to her rooms.

I was at her door knocking before I became nervous. I shook it off, there was no reason to be.

I entered the salon, Vance in tow to find my mother lifting a teacup to her lips one of her magazines open on her laps.

"Dahlia darling," she smiled, putting the cup on a saucer on the table.

Her eyes shifted to Vance who bared his neck, and muttered, "Good afternoon, your majesty."

"Who is this?" She mindlinked me.

Beaming, I linked arms with Vance and said out loud, "Mum, I have some news."

Her eyes flicked from our joined hands to me, to the joined hands and back to me again.

"I've found my mate!" I squealed.

My mother's face dropped, the opposite effect I thought the news would have on her.

"Are you sure?"

I frowned, "What do you mean am I sure? You don't think I would recognise my mate?"

Her eyes flicked to Vance again, "Leave, I'd like to speak with my daughter alone."

Vance made to obey her order but I didn't loosen my arm from his, "No, mum. Whatever you have to say, you can say it to the both of us."

She hesitated, "Well, sit down then."

I exchanged looks with Vance and we both sat.

"I can't get even a little whiff of power from this man, Dahlia," she looked at Vance, "How are you even in the Royal pack?"

"I came with my Alpha. Alpha Kane," I admired how strong Vance's voice still was, many would be quivering by now.

My mother let out a short derisive laugh, "Alpha Kane? You mean you're from that filthy little pack?"

I felt Vance bristle a bit at that and I instinctively rubbed his inner arm with my thumb.


"Dearest, I'm happy you've found your mate. But I'm afraid you're going to have to let him go. You are a princess, your father would never approve of this mating."


"I'm only saying the truth. Now, best to do it before the bond starts strengthening."

She picked up her tea and went back to her magazine. We had been dismissed.

Angry tears filling my eyes, I take Vance's arm and we leave.

I walk him to my rooms and when the door closes behind us, I collapse against him, sobs wracking my shoulders.

What do we think about Vance and Dahlia. What about the queen? Do you like seeing things from their perspective?
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