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Shit. Shit. Shit. Shitt. SHIT!

I don't know why I marked her.

I hadn't expected her to not want me, why wouldn't she? Then she was talking about leaving and ...shit!

I went there to reject her and I ended up marking her.

This is bad, this is really bad.

I could already feel her emotions coursing through me. First, it was confusion, then rage, then back to confused.

What the hell was wrong with me? I had been afraid she would create problems when I rejected her, maybe make a scene but she had been on the exact same page as me and then I created the problem.

It was my wolf that pushed me, an ego thing. He was already mad at me for wanting to reject our mate but that our mate didn't want us was too much for him. I should have had better control over him though, resisted him more.

But what the hell is wrong with her?! Who is actually fated to become a Lycan Luna from a basic werewolf and passes the chance up talking about 'she has a life to get back to'. What life could she possibly have as a Rogue?!

Did she have a lover? That was probably it. She had a lover. a boyfriend or a husband, something had to be tying her down out there.

I stopped pacing the length of my study, my mother would say I was wearing the floor out, and sat in my chair. What was I going to do now? If I rejected her now, it would be extremely difficult for both of us since I had started the mate bond. I would be able to feel what she feels, know when somebody hurts her, know when she's with her lover.

I couldn't bear that.

So what?

My phone rang, I'd set an alarm to remind me of my meeting with my mother. Sighing I stopped the ring and set out.

My parents lived on the other side of the pack in a reasonably sized house they'd moved to from the Alpha's house. It was the house I'd move to when my future son became Alpha.


I walked through the pack, the people on the way baring their necks to me as I greeted them. We were a big pack so I didn't know the name of every single member but I definitely knew the faces.

I went by the training ground, a large field that the wolves trained and sparred everyday. I looked on proudly at the men and women fighting, we hadn't had a war in years but if one were to start today, we'd be ready.

Everybody had a role in my pack. There were the people that opted to train and spar, there were people who worked in the gardens, the kitchens, the small make-shift schools that taught basic subjects to the little ones, we worked like a well-oiled machine.

I knocked on my parents' front door rolling my eyes, goddess forbid that I just walk in like a normal son. The door opened to reveal Mrs. Graham who smiled widely and hugged me.

"Alexander! You never drop by anymore!"

I smiled and hugged her back. Mrs. Knightly had been my nanny while I was growing up, she practically raised me in lieu of my mother who was usually busy with Luna duties.

"I'm sorry, I've been busy."

She pouted, "Too busy to pay a visit to this old greying woman?"

I laughed, Mrs. Knightly was nowhere near greying, "I promise I'll try to come around more."

"That's all I'm asking for," she raised her hands in surrender, "Your mother is waiting for you in the living room."

I braced myself and headed there. My mother was perched on a white armchair, her legs crossed at the ankles and her back ramrod straight. Her black hair was bone straight and the bluntly cut edges rested on her shoulders, not a strand out of place.

She looked as if she she was posing for a painting not waiting for her son.

"Alexander, you're here."

She sounded surprised although I knew she knew the exact moment I stepped into the house.

"Yes mother," I gave the requisite kiss on the cheek, catching a whiff of the Chanel perfume she'd used my whole life, "How are you?"

"Very well," she gestured to a chair for me to sit, "I hear you have an intruder problem."

She went right to business. My mother always 'hears' stuff. I know she has people spying on me and reporting back to her because she always knows way too much about pack issues than an ex-Luna should, but I've never caught them.

"It's no problem."

One perfectly plucked eyebrow raised, "Really? A rogue raid that went unpunished and another intruder the following day? You don't consider that a problem?"

"I'm taking care of it," I said through gritted teeth.

"I can always step in to help you know? I'm still the Luna of this pack."

I ignored her.

She narrowed her eyes at me, "Alexander, a pack needs a Luna to balance things out. It has been how many years now? How long do you expect Selene to wait for you?"

Selene was the daughter of the Beta of the Southern Wolves pack, our closest neighbours. Our parents had colluded and decided that we were perfectly matched for each other; she increased her family's rank by mating with an Alpha and we got to strengthen our relationship with the Southern Wolves and my parents got a mate for me that they could control.

It was a win for everybody.

Except me.

"I didn't ask Selene to wait for me, mother," she has a mate, she should be with him.

Selene had found her mate a few years ago but he had no pack ranking so her parents didn't approve. She is said to have rejected him but the details about that still aren't clear.

"Don't be stupid and cruel. That girl has waited for you her whole life," she paused to calm herself down. My mother didn't ever want to seem not cool and collected, "I've arranged a visit. They will be coming here in a few weeks and-"

"Mother y-" pain shot through me and I panicked, had I been hit by something?

Then I remembered my mate and the mark I'd put on her. It was her pain I was feeling.

I shot up, "I have to go, mother."

I hurried out, shifting to my wolf form before I was even completely out the front door.

Somebody was harming my mate.

Somebody was about to die.

Snagged by the Rogue [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now