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Lila POV

I was staring at Blake as I thought he's the most idiotic guy in the world.

I mean this guy has been an idiot but now his acting is really one at the moment.

"Come again?" I asked him as I was clearly puzzled over his words he said just a while ago.

"I said marry me instead of that guy!" He said while I was bewildered by his statement.

"Fuck no!" I said as I think it's the most ridiculous thing ever.

"Sweetheart, I've been asking you to marry me again. I think this is the right time!"

"What makes you think of it?"

"I mean would you rather go to that guy instead of me? You've been with me for how many years and we were married once too!"

"Yeah, you should hear what you are saying now! I have married you once and I don't think I plan on marrying you twice. There's a reason why things ended between the two of us. So whatever you are thinking is not the best solution!" I said as I shook my head.

"But….. but…. !" He choked from his words. I see how he tried to be strong not to be emotional but his eyes betrayed him. "But I love you, I won't let any other guy take you away from me!" He finally outbursts.

"No one's taking me away from you since we are not together in the first place. Also, I don't think this is your problem, it's mine. So forget about it. How did you even learn about this?"

"It's you mom and sisters.  They told me about it!"

"Look, just forget about it!"

"What do you want me to do to prove to you that I love you so badly? Please don't punish me like this. Just give me one more chance I will do anything you want me to do. Please sweetheart! I can't lose you!" This time Blake went over to me and hugged me tightly. He then held my hand and placed it on his chest.

"Look, do you feel my heart beating so fast? Sweetheart, I love you! Please…. Do you want me to beg on my knees? I will do it! Please have me back. Choose me over that guy. I promise I will love you more and more everyday!" He said as he went down on his knees and begged for me.

"Stand up Blake if someone sees us they will think I did something to you! Come on!"

"Then marry me!" He soas still on his knees.

"Blake we can't! I won't marry that guy either, if that's what you are thinking. I told you I won't marry. I want to concentrate on taking care of our daughter, nothing more!" I said to him as I held him up.

Good thing he listens to me and stands up.

"Promise?" He said while grasping my hands.

I nodded in response as I looked into his eyes.

"You will never look at another man, right? " He asked me.

"Blake, I don't know, ok? For now I don't have any plans on falling in love again. My daughter is my main priority!"

"But you will choose me again right? Please? Tell me what can I do? Sweetheart? Don't you miss our home?"

"Of course, I miss Blake. We built our dreams there. But those things are already done and I don't think we can make it again! Whatever happens to us, it's a lesson to learn. So I hope if you find someone again, love her and trust her!"

"I won't love anyone else sweetheart. It will always be you, no other than you. I love you so much!"

"Blake, I won't change my mind. I told you many times. Can we just please stop talking about this?" I said to him as my patience slowly faded.

"But sweetheart!"

"Blake!!" I gave him a deadpan look.

"Please don't say no? Please?"

"We can't be together anymore!" I said, trying to make him understand.

"Ok, but let's be friends, I mean friends really really close! Please? Then if you change your mind you can tell me and then we can be together again? But no boyfriend please? Don't find one, I can't promise I can't kill anyone who will try to date you! You are mine for me!" He said and I looked at him feeling defeated.

"Fine, let's be friends!" I said and he broke out into a smile.

"Thank you sweetheart, but no boyfriend please?" He said while begging to me.

"Told you I don't have time for that!"

"Yessssss!" He fist bumps into the air feeling happy with my answer.

"Now, can I go now? I really need to get out of here so I prefer to go to the park with Amari!"

"I'm coming!" He smiled.

"Huh? But it's not your scheduled day to be with Amari?"

"Who cares, I want to be with the two of you. And I don't need a schedule to be with my wife and daughter!"

"Blake!!" I said, giving him a warning look.

"Fine , can't help it. Just so you know, I do love you. Really really love you. We are friends for now but I am not giving up on you. I love you sweetheart! I want you to be my wife forever!"

"Let's go!" I said as I don't want to redo whatever we were discussing just awhile ago. We just kept repeating whatever we discussed. Since this guy can't seem to get that I am not interested in having a relationship for now.

I only need my daughter. She's my life now. I am happy that I can see happiness each day. Though I know she will be happy if both of her parents are ok but still I am a bit hesitant to give him a chance.

The things that happened in the past were not easy to forget. It took me hard to let go of those bad memories.

The fact that I am pregnant, alone and without a husband is something I won't forget. I gave him a chance back then but he didn't even listen to me. So I guess it's equal I do the same.

I can't give him a chance that easily. He needs to earn my trust and he needs to learn his lesson.

THE ONE THAT GOT AWAYNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ