*BONUS CHAPTER* - Crown Jewels

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"Stand up straight. Have you always slouched so much?"

I fought the urge to roll my eyes as I sighed at the Countess' fussing.

"It is only Ella, mother. Your daughter, my sister. It's not the Queen of England coming for a visit," I reminded her but was met only by my mother's patented icy glare.

"My daughter, your sister, and a Duchess now," she warned, her voice low as the elegant carriage drew nearer. "I won't have the Duke worried he's married into a mannerless family."

My lips pulled up into a smirk. We were far past fooling Duke Victor Edward Winterbourne III into believing we were a family with decorum. Given Emily's unpleasantness and Ella's temper which the man had a front seat in witnessing only a season ago, I imagined that ship had sailed and he it's Captain.

"You can stop worrying so much, mother," I said gently, taking her hand and patting it gently as I tucked her arm through the crook of my own. "You've done your duty. Your daughters are married off to more than suitable matches."

"And my son?" She asked, turning to me with a raised brow. I sighed, louder this time.

"Mother, we've spoken about this-"

"Yes and we won't speak of it again now," she said, casting a look over her shoulder at the enormous congregation of gathered nobility lined up and smiling at the Duke's approaching carriage. My mother would never miss an opportunity to flaunt our family's societal advancements in front of the entire upper class. "But later, we will. As a family."

"My marital status is not up for family discussion," I snapped. She turned once, her sharp eyes penetrating me with that icy glare. But I glared right back. That is, until the carriage pulled to a stop in front of us and the nobility burst into excited chatter.

My mother and I stepped forward as the carriage door swung open. I felt warmth blossoming in my chest at the pure, blissful smile on my youngest sister's radiant face.

"Mother," Ella cried happily, running from the carriage and across the drive to us. A few of those behind us chuckled happily as she threw her arms around our mother and then turned to me. "Elijah."

I wrapped her in a warm embrace, holding her for a moment and savoring the touch. I'd missed my youngest sister. She had always been dear to me and these eight months it had been since I last saw her at her wedding had been too much. But she had promised to make the journey from Northumberland and return for a visit at the start  of the next season and here she was, true to her word.

The Duke was emerging from the carriage as I released Ella. She turned back to him and beamed. He finished giving his driver instructions and then approached, embracing my mother and then extending a hand to me.

I stared at it for a moment and his smile fell slightly, as if suddenly concerned that the peace we had made had not withstood the test of time. Unable to control it any longer, I broke out into a grin and pulled him in for a quick hug and a pat on the back.

"Welcome back, brother," I said and he smiled at me.

"Please come along and enjoy some refreshments," the Countess said, reaching out an arm in gesture. The Duke took it without hesitation and she led him off to show him around and reintroduce him to the nobility he had left behind. I turned to follow but Ella grabbed my arm and spun me back around to face her.

"Is she here?" She asked.

I frowned

"Who?" I replied.

"Madame Francis."

My jaw clenched. It had been some weeks since I'd heard that name and less since I'd allowed myself to think of it.

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