19 Muse

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It was becoming clear that Emily would be getting an offer of marriage sooner than we had anticipated so my mother, absolutely delighted by the possibility of having both daughters married off in a single season, had apparently sent for Sir Thomas Abney. He sat across from me now, at the dining table. The butler had set out sweet treats and teas and now stood nearby as chaperone so that we may speak free of familial ears.

"I must say I was quite surprised to receive your mother's letter," Sir Thomas was telling me eagerly. Far too eagerly. Everything he had done thus far had been far too eager. "And even more surprised when I noticed that the daughter it mentioned was you. Imagine my excitement!"

I didn't have to imagine it. It was on full display as much as the macarons towered between us.

"Yes, I was... quite surprised myself," I told him. That, at least, wasn't a lie. My mother hadn't told me she had written to Sir Thomas.

"I know you have not debuted but your mother seems to think it won't be necessary if we can reach some sort of arrangement before the next season begins. I, for one, think that's quite doable, don't you?"

My mouth opened but it closed again when I realized I had nothing to say.

"You don't have to answer me now, don't worry! I look forward to these times we have in which we can get to know one another as it is. So tell me, what sort of activities do you enjoy throughout the day?"

The rest of our conversation was more of the same. He asked questions. I tried to maintain a smile while I answered and wondered all the while if I could possibly keep up a fake smile for the rest of my life. And if I was as miserable for the rest of my life as I was at this very moment, would Sir Thomas even notice? The way he chattered along, sipping his tea and delving into the macarons told me probably not.

Once we had finished, he kissed my hand and made his way to the door, practically skipping. I, however, felt a wave of sort of guilty nausea overcome me as I watched him leave. I didn't want to marry Sir Thomas Abney but, unfortunately, I didn't have any reason not to. So, with that dreadful proposition hanging over my head, I made my way back to the drawing room where Emily had been entertaining suitors all morning. One was leaving just as I entered. He tipped his hat to me and I nodded politely as I slipped into the room behind him.

"He was very kind," my mother was saying as I made my way across the room to where Madison was patting the couch cushion beside her. She pulled out a deck of cards and began dealing as my mother continued. "Quite rich, too. He owns the old Pemberly estate on the east side of town."

"By the sea?" Emily asked.

My mother nodded with a smile. Emily opened her mouth to answer when the door opened again. I glanced up to see who had entered and heard Emily's gasp first. My mother scrambled to her feet, stuttering all over herself to welcome the gentleman caller.

"Y-Your Grace," my mother said as the Duke stepped inside, nodding politely. Emily gazed up at him, open-mouthed. Even Madison and I had trouble containing our surprise.

"Good morning, Countess," he greeted kindly. "I hope I'm not intruding."

"No!" my mother cried, too eagerly. I wondered if she was channelling Sir Thomas in her excitement. "Not at all! You could never intrude. Please, come in. Sit."

The Duke's eyes met mine as I forgot to avert my gaze this time. I couldn't.

"Actually, if it's quite alright, I wondered if Emily might care for a walk in the garden? I've something to discuss with her privately if it's not too much trouble."

My mother gaped at him, open-mouthed. Emily did the same, peering between the Duke and her mother for one long moment before slowly getting to her feet. That seemed to snap my mother out of it.

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