Chapter-6 part I

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"Every one of us is losing something precious to us.
Lost opportunities, lost possibilities,
Feelings we can never get back again.
That's part of what it means to be alive." ~Haruki Murakami

DEDICATED TO-  Ufaq_IAthenaAlero

Third person's POV

It's been a week since Reanna came to Valentino's house. Reanna was trying to keep up with all her brothers. But it was difficult for her to adjust to their posh lifestyle.

Compared to others, she was a bit more comfortable with Riccardo, as he was the only person she remembered communicating with.

Reanna even tried to have her best manners with Rosalina and Gabriel.

Of course, accepting her was very difficult for her and even for them. Well, you can't possibly be all family with someone who was a mere stranger a few moments ago. But both parties were attempting to be as accepting as possible.

In short, there wasn't any chaos.


Except for Rolando, everyone seemed to be accepting of Reanna.

He seemed to have a constant scowl on his face whenever she was around, making it clear that he was not interested in getting to know her. It was disheartening for her, but she tried not to let it affect her relationship with the rest of the family. It wasn't his fault. He used to think that she would leave him just like she did. He didn't want to be close to her just for her to leave him all broken later. He resented being mean to her as much as he resented being mean to his brothers. He wanted her to be close to him as well like she was with her other brothers.

He felt sad whenever Reanna came down for breakfast and greeted everyone, and they also replied with a smile. when she would play basketball with Ricardo and the twins and cheer whenever Reanna threw the ball in the basket. He longed to be a part of those joyful moments, to feel the warmth of her smile directed toward him. It pained him to see her bonding effortlessly with others while he remained on the outskirts, yearning for a connection that seemed out of reach.

But as Rolando says,

"It's better to be safe than sorry."

Today, all the Valentinos were present for dinner because it was a rule that everyone had to be there unless they had a valid reason not to, even the oldest Valentino. As he sat at the table surrounded by his family, he couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging and warmth that he had longed for.

Reanna had been away for so long, and her return brought a sense of joy and unity to the family. The anticipation of seeing her again filled the air with excitement, as Reanna had been away for a long time, and her return brought a sense of joy and unity to the family.

Suddenly, they heard the doorbell ring. Curiosity filled the room as everyone exchanged puzzled glances. Their hearts skipped a beat, wondering who could be at the door.

"Let me check who it is," said Roman.

He excused himself from the table and made his way toward the entrance, eager to unveil the mystery visitor.

When he opened the door, he was confused about the paramedic standing there.

He looked at Armando and silently asked if everything was all right. Armando shook his head, confirming his thoughts.

Roman looked at Riccardo, asking if they should pick him up. Being a neurosurgeon, he was sometimes needed at odd times. Riccardo knew that they would call him to ask if he was in town to see the patient, and everybody knew that Riccardo was never that person to go to the hospital in an ambulance for some personal reasons.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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