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𝖯𝗈𝗏: 𝖮𝗆𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗌𝖾𝗇𝗍
𝖫𝗈𝖼: 𝖲𝖺𝗏𝖺𝗇𝗇𝖺𝗁 𝖦𝖠

laying in bed after just flying in lando and lani where exhausted, they hadn't expected there trip to take so long.

"ma i'm tired" lando spoke flopping onto their bed.

their where at this very nice and open villa, the peaceful sounds of the ocean brushing against the sand. the soft fires all around completely made the villa a nice place to be.

"boo youne' saying nothing but a thing fareal" lani said shaking her head.

she herself was extra tried, she wasnt getting much sleep lately since her last session with dr. perry. she was remincing in the past bad, letting old feelings and experiences consume her. it's like she was finally process all the wrong that had been done to her.

she wasnt sure if it was because she started writing again but she definitely was in her feels latley.

lando slowly sat up letting out a deep breath, he had been thinking a lot about his relationship with lani and was finally ready to accept her. he always put the label as bestfriend on them just in case she got scared of the real him that barely showed.

he was defenitly the same person he always is but there's another part of him in his past whom he never spoke about. who he hated speaking about. but it felt nessecary to tell lani his full story if he wanted to complely give himself to her.

he was never one to lie to someone about himself just so they would build a strong connection, he kinda did that with lani but it was honestly and accident he didnt mean to like her this much it just happened..

"gimme ya' hand" he said holding out his hand, lani didnt say anything she just stood up and followed lando.

they both werent sure why, but there trust goes a long way for each other. they both felt like the other would never hurt or put them in harm. which was true

they walked into a candel lit room filled with rose petals, there was a small loveseat chair in the middle and wide door connecting bathroom that had dimmed light instanly caught lani's attention she was defiently going to take a bath in that for sure.

they both took a seat on the chair faceing each other. "wassup lando this nice ass room" lani laughed waiting to hear what he hand in store for her.

"well- uhm" he softly said pulling at them hem of his jacket. lani placed her hand on his leg causeing him to look up at her, "its cool boo im here just chill" she said giving him a reassuring smile.

"okay ju- just promise me youre not gonna hate me after" he said nervously holding out his pinkey. she softly laughed before interlocking her pinkey.

she was trying to act cool but she was honestly scared of what he was going to say. she knew for sure he wasnt about to leave or anything because c'mon be fucking fareal.

"okay so uhm I grew up with a two parent household it was okay.. until it wasnt." he began

lani instantly locked in, she knew where this conversation was headed he was finally ready to open up to her and she was completely attentive in this conversation.

"my grandmother or my dad's mother when she passed away he started to act different, him and I use to go around harrasing people spreading love and joy, helping people, doing good deeds he was just a good guy. and then his mother got sick and he started acting cold, my mother she was never really available because she was always working but she made time when she could"

"well after my dad's mother died he got like really angry and started drinking and one night he and my mother got in a really bad argument and they where so loud so I went to the park. this is when I met bailey and we instantly clicked after about 2 hours."

"fast forward a couple months my mom and dad relationship started to get real bad, so I started hanging out with bailey and his family more, well one night I left because they where arguing like usual and when it was time to go home bailey said he wanted to walk me to the stop sign I didn't think much of it because he lives right down the street."

"so we ended up getting to the stop sign n shit and we see a shadow in the window and someone is just getting relentlessly beat with a lamp. so we both run over there and burst through the door seeing my mothers lifeless body while my dad just continues to hit her"

"it was like something in me just clicked and I started attacking him, bailey and I jumped him until he was dead. once we both where out of breath we uhm.." he stopped looking up at lani who was stareing at him waiting for him to finish.

his eyes became glossy as tears wanted to fall but he refused, he didnt wanna cry about this anymore he just wanted to get it out and move on. he couldnt dwell anymore he just wanted an out.

"go ahead im not here to judge." lani said taking a firm grip on his hand.

"well uhm we dapped each other up then walked out the house, emotionally I wasnt attached to either of them anymore, I just stopped caring about both of them after I saw my mom doing crack one night." he said shaking his head as tears fell from his eyes.

he didnt wanna cry. he honestly he felt no reason to cry but for some reason her he was balling his eyes over something he thought he was over.

lani wrapped her arms aroung him pulling him into a tight hug, she never imagined his home life was like that but she wasnt here to judge nor give an opinion on the subject. she loved lando even the parts she haven't discovered yet. in her eyes he was just a regular boy who so happenly stole her heart.

"im glad you told me this" she said kissing his cheek

"your not scared of me or anything right.. and you not gon leave" he asked looking up at her.

"no lando I love you. i'm not gon up and leave just cause you a lil off" she laughed but lando wasnt laughing all he heard was the words I love you. he was stuck for a second because he wasn't sure if she was saying that just because he opened up to her or because she actually meant it.

"I love you too" he said starring deep into her brown eyes.

"as you fucking should" she laughed running her hand through his dreads, this was easily one of lani's favorite things to do. it wasnt to put lando to sleep like he thinks it because she genuinely likes rubbing his head.

he slowly sat up from her hold and dug into his pocket taking out a small black box. he opened it revealing a small silver ring with some diamonds alighned that spelt love. lani's mouth dropped as lando took the ring out the box.

"lani i wanna make you a promise, if you let me I will be the best boyfriend I can be, I will provide and always have your best intrest at heart, I will protect and love you and myself, I wanna be with you. I only see myself with you and if this shit dont work then i giving up on life because you are hands down the most impotant thing in my life"

tears rolled down lani's face as lando slipped the ring on her finger, "will you do me the honor of being your boyfriend"

"hell yeah" lani said pulling him in a passionate kiss, her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer. this was all she wanted and was happy she fianally got it.

"bro you mines now shawty" lando chessed kissing all over her face.

"yup and you know what that means" she said poking out her bottom lip

"what" lando asked, he was confused as to what she was talking about.

"you gon fuck the shit outta me" she said kissing his cheek.

"bro ight yo lil horny ass gon see" he laughed kissing her lips.

this was finally the start of something good for the both of them, growing together as friends is one thing but as lovers offically is another. will they both be ready to experince the challenges that actually come with being in a relationship or will they burn before they can shine.

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