Chapter 31

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Bellas POV:

Bellas POV:

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I did it. Well, I didn't say my parents were killers. If anyone knew that I knew I would be an accomplice. So I played the role of an innocent, not knowing daughter. I talked about being locked away in this house for months now which earned me a lot of pitiful glances. I needed the pity though. Without it no one would've believed me.

But I showed them my scars. The ones from the whipping.
The crowd began making unbelievable sounds by the view of my scars.

But that's it. There's nothing more.
My parents get what they deserve. They are finally trapped.
I still can't believe it though. I knew that there really ARE contract killers in the world. But...when your OWN parents...No. They are not my parents. Even the lawyers knew it. They knew that I wasn't their biological child.
M parents were arrested for murder. And for kidnapping. And for abuse.
They won't get out of the prison ever again.
But...why do I feel empty now? There is nothing left. I have nothing left in my life. All my problems are gone. I'm free. And I SHOULD feel free but why do I still feel like a prisoner? I am still bound by them and have to think about it. About my parents and how I actually still loved them. They raised me like their own child and they gave me love. I had a happy childhood...But it was a lie.

And then there's Luke. 
I seem to think about him every possible moment. I shouldn't though. We are over. Well, it's not like we were really ever together.

All of my parents money is now mine.
They weren't in the court room while I testified so I haven't seen them for a week now. I won't ever visit them though.

And not just their money but everything. Everything they own.
This house too. It's mine. I don't have to search for a new flat. I can just live here the rest of my life. In this big house. All alone. Like a ghost.

I sit down on the dinners table and dial Amanda's number. I didn't speak or see her since the last time Luke found me in her Café. But now I can.

„Bella? Bella is that you?" Amanda asks after taking the call almost immediately.

„Yes, it's me." I smile brightly.

„You can't imagine how worried I have been, I kept telling the police but they weren't listening to me. As if it doesn't matter. Where are you right now?"

„I'm in LA Right now. I got a house here and my complicated situation figured itself out."

,,I am coming. Send me your location.''

I'd try to talk it out of her because it's a long drive and she has her Café shop to look after but...I really want her to come. I need to talk to someone. And Amanda is my favorite person in this whole world and my only friend. I need her right now.

,,Okay I'll send it to you. When will you be here?''

,,Today. I'll drive now'', she answers immediately.

We hang up and I start to clean the house. Is it really wise to stay and live here?
I walk into the kitchen and start rummaging through the drawers. I need to cook something for us. She surely will be hungry after driving for so long.

I open my fridge and find nothing. Damn. I really have to go grocery shopping. Will I be back on time? Maybe I should just order a pizza. Yes that will do it. Everyone likes pizza.

I sigh.
This is weird. To have these little problems to think about. I
Deciding what to eat is my only worry now.

I grab my phone and search for a good pizzeria nearby and order two big pizzas. I'm really hu try and I think Amanda will be too so little Pizzas won't be enough.

But before I click order I waited a couple of hours because I don't want to let the pizza get cold.

So I waited for Amanda.

4 hours passed by when finally my doorbell rang. I jump up and run to the door but before I open it I hesitate. This is Amanda, right?

,,Bella? Hey it's me Amanda''

I sigh relieved and open the door.

She jump hugs me and makes me fall over. I was so shocked about this action since I wasn't expecting this. After a moment we both burst into laughter and hugged each other tightly.

,,I can't explain how happy I am to see you'' she burst out ,,I was searching your for WEEKS now. I just...couldn't let it be. You were fucking DRAGGED AWAY by big men with suits. I was so scared for you the whole time.'' She whispers the last words and squeezes my hands.

,,I am happy too'' I say to her and notice that I'm crying. I didn't cry for so long. I wanted to cry though. Since the police officers stepped into my house. I wanted to cry but there just didn't come any tears.

But now I am. And I feel relieved. I cry even louder and Amanda takes me into her arm silently.
This is what I needed. Someone who REALLY loves me. Someone who don't get abusive with their love.

From this exact moment I know I will tell Amanda everything. About my parents about Luke.

My shy mafia princess حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن