Still 3rd POV

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The twins annoyedly listened as Alice and Edward scrambled to explain that this was all a 'misunderstanding'. If either were being honest the duo's squabbling didn't improve their moods as neither even apologized for assaulting their mate.

Bella on the other hand was quiet as she attempted to wrap her sunflower seed sized brain around everything. Bella only grew more angry and annoyed as her mistake of a sister was not only still alive, but also being taken care of by the vampire royalty. It wasn't fair!

Adora was nothing more than used, damaged goods that should've been aborted! Adora was ugly, slutty, fat, worthless, clumsy, and a crimp! Bella on the other hand was graceful, beautiful, elegant, chaste, and full of potential especially if she were to be turned as a vampire!

It just didn't make any sense! Why would the Volturi value her useless half-sister over her?!

"Enough!" The tired, but angry voice of Marcus rang out silencing the Cullen duo. Everyone turned to face the typically stoic and quiet king.

Marcus was known for his benevolent and soft temperament and was considered the kind and just king whereas Aro was the mad and power hungry one, and Caius was the vengeful and merciless executioner. But today Marcus's animalistic bloodlust was awoken by the sight of a half dead child that had a golden pink thread connecting her to Marcus and his mate/wife Didyme.....

That child was his and his mate's. Blood didn't matter in this situation. That child's soul was made for Didyme and him to love and cherish like their own offspring, and someone dared to harm her? That was in acceptable.

To make matters worse his daughter shared two golden red strings with the witch twins symbolizing their mate hood to each other. The Cullens were in grave danger and they knew it they just didn't fully understand why. Marcus stood before the troublesome trio as the were forced on their knees before the three kings thrones. Aro and Caius let Marcus take the wheel on this trail as he seemed to have a more personal connection to it than them.

"I can't honestly think of any way for you to atone for what you three have done-" Marcus began only to be cut off by the flat board "We didn't do anything! All we did was fall in love! And if you're talking about that crippled bitch then you should know that she had it comin-AAAAHHHH!" Bella let's out a wail of pain as Marcus grabs her jaw and breaks it. Bella crumples to the floor while cradling her cheek as everyone stares at Marcus wide-eyed in surprise and the twins shoot Marcus an approving look.

Marcus sighs before saying "Clearly you are as stupid as you are ugly...." Marcus then turns back to the Cullens and says "You three are being charged with exposure, permitting an aware human to remain intact, and obstruction of soul bonds all of which are punishable by death as they are most sacred laws..." Alice immediately tried to lessen their charges "We never interfered with soul bonds! Edward and Bella's mate hood is still in their hands and neither one of them is dead so-!" "You are as stupid as your mortal companion" Marcus growled out as his eyes turned pitch black.

The room seemed to grow colder as Marcus stared down the Cullens with a look of absolute hatred.

"Edward and Bella have no mate bond they are merely bloodsingers Bella is nothing more than a delicacy that Edward should have savored instead of played with. My only concern is that child you brought with you" Marcus explained " That girl you kidnapped and brought with you shared soul familiar bonds and mate bonds with myself, my wife, and Jane and Alec" Alice and Edward eyes widened as they realized how much danger they brought upon themselves.

Bella tearfully glared up at Marcus in envy as she stupidly believed that she should play such a crucial role in the vampire world and not her bastard half sister.

"My king.... I swear we had no idea-!" Edward tried to grovel but was cut off when Marcus grabbed him by his neck and held him up in the air by his throat "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't tear you limb from limb and set your body ablaze right now!"

It's funny.... How with the right motivation even the most docile and benevolent of creatures and turn so dark and so.....evil that everyone forgets about the innocent and kind soul that they once were.

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