The sister

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Adora's POV
Aegeus and I were at the foot of the stairs and I listened to the voices coming from the living room which Aegeus began to gently guide me to.

"Hey, Bells, how was school?" Charlie asked, to which a scratchy, squeaky, and nasally voice mumbled out in an annoyed tone "It was fine, Charlie" I couldn't help but frowned upon hearing the voice. Is that Bella? Who calls their father by their first name? Especially one like Charlie.

I had a hard time determining the gender of the voice, but my suspicions about the voice being my older half sister were confirmed when Charlie said in a nervous tone "So, Bella there's someone I'd like you to meet" I heard Bella scoff and say in a rude tone "I'm not in the mood for guests today."

I suddenly heard stomping footsteps approaching me as I enter the the living room entry way. The footsteps stopped and I could feel the person burning holes into my form. Aegeus got in front of me and stood protectively as he didn't like the look that I was being given.

"Bella, this is your half sister Isadora," Charlie began "she's going to be staying with us since her father is dead and your mother is unable to care for her" all hell broke lose after that statement.

3rd POV
Bella was pissed to say the least.

After her attempt to kill her bastard half sister seemed to work, it apparently didn't and her mother had sent her horrid sister to her father's house wher she resided for that past 13 years. Now she's back and here to possibly ruin her life again!

Plus she's disabled now! That means she'll get more attention!

"What the hell?! No! She's not staying here! Send her to a home or something, I'm not taking care of her!" Bella screeched out, making everyone in the room cringe at her bad engine in a car voice. Charlie immediately started trying to pacify his only daughter "Whoa, whoa you won't be taking care of Adora, I will. I just thought that after everything that happened that it'd be nice to see your little sister again after all this time."

Bella scoffed and whirled around to face Charlie "You're going to take care of her?! You can barely take care of yourself Charlie! If it wasn't for me being here and cooking and cleaning for you, you'd be dead by now! Which means I'll be taking care of her! I already have enough on my plate, and I don't need adding this mistake on my list of things to do!"

Charlie was stunned by what she had said "Bella! None of that is true! And your sister isn't—" Charlie is cut off by Bella's ranting and raving.

"She is! She's a mistake! A failed abortion! She's not my sister! She's a bastard! She's only here to ruin my life! She should've never been born, or at least have died when she was a year old!" Bella suddenly whirled around and advanced on her sister. Bella stood toe to toe with her sister who stared blankly ahead through her sunglasses.

Aegeus hunches where raised and he snarled threateningly at the mentally disturbed girl before him. Aegeus began nudging Adora away from her enraged sister with little success as Adora only patted his back in an effort to calm him down.

"I bet your father finally got sick and tired of having you around so he slit his wrists to escape from you!" Bella accused, "or maybe he faked his death and dumped you on us because he actually wanted a life and not to be stuck with an annoying, stupid, ugly, broken and used up toy like you!" Charlie was frozen stunned by the harsh words thrown at the poor fragile girl by her older sister.

"I mean who in their right mind wants to take care of a cripple? I definitely wouldn't be caught dead with an attention seeking gimp—" Bella's ranting was cut off when Adora decided that she had enough and raised her right fist and gave Bella a right hook that sent the girl to the floor.

Charlie stood in the corner unsure of what to say or do as this was not the scenario he had hoped for. He was picturing a joyously tearful reunion between sisters as Renee hardly spoke about her other daughter only claiming that she was 'handicapped' and 'special needs' which was too much responsibility for the scatter brained and erratic single already mother that traveled cross country with no real home.

Or maybe some confusion about who this was before an awkward reunion that brought out Bella's loving side that Charlie was sure was hidden away.

Adora calmly pulled out her text phone and began typing "Listen. Here. Isabella." The automatic voice spoke "I. Am. More. Than. Capable. Of. Caring. For. Myself. I. Only. Need. Charlie. To. Dial. 911. In. The. Event. Of. An. Emergency. And. To. Drive. Me. To. School. Since. Your. Spoiled. And. Selfish. Ass. Will. Not."

Charlie and Bella weren't expecting that response, but before either of them could respond Adora continued "Apologize. To. Your. Father. As. He. Deserves. Your. Respect. After. Everything. You. Have. Put. Him. Through. And. Over. Some. Asshole. That. Left. You. In. The. Woods. To. Die. Shame. On. You." Charlie felt sad, confused, and touched the only ones who ever considered his feelings were Harry and Billy.

Everyone else saw him as either the sheriff or the lovesick fool that married the whore Renee Higginbotham.

Yet here this girl, this stranger was standing up to his daughter that had given him so much grief on his behalf. Don't get Charlie wrong he loves Bella, but sometimes he thinks he was happier when he only saw her two weeks for the summer, maybe even less than that.

Bella stood up and angrily said "I don't owe Charlie a damn thing!" Adora typed out again "Yes. You. Do. Charlie. Is. On. His. Last. Rope. His. Only. Remaining. Option. Is. To. Send. You. To. An. Institution. Since. Renee. Is. Incapable. Of. Caring. About. Anyone. Other. Than. Herself. Like. She. Has. Always. Been." Charlie realized that Adora was right. Renee never really took care of  anything other than herself and her appearance.

Adora continued "Apologize. Isabella. Now." Bella grumbled out a half assed apology and shoved Adora aside and stormed upstairs. Adora stumbled but caught her balance thanks to Aegeus. Aegeus then took Adora upstairs to her room to rest while Charlie was left to his thoughts.

Adora entered her room then proceeded to shut and lock the door. She sent Aegeus to bed and approached her dresser. She stripped down to her bare skin and pulled out a giant white t-shirt that fell to her knees. She put the shirt on before putting her clothes in the hamper.

Then she crawled into bed and placed her now fold cane and sunglasses on the nightstand

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Then she crawled into bed and placed her now fold cane and sunglasses on the nightstand. Her last thoughts before falling asleep were 'How on earth was I able to see Bella?'

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