Chapter 21

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Sunday, after Francesca fell asleep, I didn't have the heart to wake her

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Sunday, after Francesca fell asleep, I didn't have the heart to wake her. She looked so tired earlier, and as she laid on my chest her lips parted just slightly and one hand fisting my shirt I remembered once again I would do anything for the girl sleeping on me. Besides when a beautiful girl who is way too good for you falls asleep in your arms you don't ruin that.

I spent a long time watching her sleep. Occasionally I would kiss the top of her head. I adjusted her on my lap after a while so I could fix my pants and hold her more comfortably. She stirred for a moment but went back to peacefully sleeping pretty quickly.

With her sleeping on my lap there was no way I could drive home so instead I just sat there and thought about life, more specifically the leak I have been avoiding. Things are clearer and easier to think about with her in my arms and after hours of my own thoughts I make a decision I have been putting off making for too many years. I always had an excuse, but not anymore.

When I finally woke up Francesca and moved her in the passenger seat I didn't tell her my latest life decision because it was 1am and she was half asleep. The next morning I started to have second thoughts, now that I was seeing the reality of my choices in the light of day, but I stuck to my guns. When Francesca stepped off the ice from her practice to tell me good luck before I ran to mine I blurted it out. "I am going to cut off my parents," I told her like I had just told her the sky was blue and then I kissed her and ran off.

After my practice she was sitting in my car with the same confused expression I left her with over 3 hours prior. "Can you repeat that," she asked the second I got in, totally acting like there wasn't a near 4 hour gap between the two.

"I will never be truly happy with them in my life and I need to pull the trigger," I told her. She automatically jumped into action from there, being her completely amazing self as I knew she would be. The rest of the day and the little down time we had Tuesday was spent with the two of us and Noah going over my finances and determining how I was going to make basically being an orphan work, until I signed with the Islanders at least.

Lucky for me I am on full scholarship from Michigan but I still need to pay my rent, my car, my phone, food, health and car insurance, and a ton of other odds and ends that add up. Luckily I am dating a math major so what I thought would be impossible she showed me was totally doable.

Thankfully my dad had been sending me $10,000 for rent a month since I got to New York in May so I have saved up nearly $30,000 this summer plus all the money I had in my account already which was another $15,000.

I also have an inheritance from my grandpa but with my parents on the account I thought that would be gone with no hope of getting it. But Noah, who is now basically acting as my new agent, called and was able to get them removed from the account now that I am 21. The account I thought, from what my parents said, was only a little bit of money, but last I checked most people don't think $400,000 is a little bit of fucking money. After I got access to that account, the financial fear disappeared. I could continue to support myself and take care of Francesca for the next year easily.

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