Antecedent 16

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A/N: so originally I did have plans to make this longer but I feel it would have become too repetitive. So this is the last of it. I'm hoping it's okay and I haven't shot myself in the foot by doing this. Next up I plan on doing a Daredevil and a Heisenberg fanfic 💖


"Wow girl, you really are losing your shit, aren't you?" Tink's voice called to me amused as I opened my eyes and took a sharp breath once I noticed the sight in front me. Or perhaps, below me. A person lay battered and broken on the ground, their forehead bashed in and gushing from the indented wound. Gasping at the sight of what I held in my hands I instantly tossed aside the blood stained rock and pushed myself off and away from the man who lay beneath me coated in scarlet. What had I done? "I mean the one hit to the head would have been enough but you, maybe it's an act of mercy but you always make sure they're suffering."
"I didn't do this." I protested instantly, feeling my heart drum frantically. It was hard to imagine myself doing anything to anyone but I saw the splatters on my clothes, I felt the blood on my face as I trembled and shook knowing that there was no other explanation. The last thing I remembered was being pulled along by Tinker and then this. Was it even the same day? My head split as I tried to concentrate, a crimson drop tickling against my lip as I quickly wiped it away and cried out disgusted as for a moment I forgot my hands were covered and only smeared more blood against my face. "I didn't do this!"
"You sure as hell did. Damn you were like a bitch hunting for rabbits." The pride in his voice only disillusioned me further. "Always hunting season when you're loose."
"I couldn't..." Could I? While I had threatened to kill the Sawyers I found it difficult to believe anyone else would be as wanted as a target. My mind grudgingly rested on the first black out I could truly register, opening my eyes and going from what to kill myself to stabbing another. "I didn't."
"Heck, imagine if I let you keep that damn knife, it would have been more brutal, that's for sure. I do enjoy going out with you these days even if you aren't the most reliable. Not right up there you know?" Turning my head as Tink spoke calmly, he prodded at his head with his hook to emphasise what he meant. I wanted to doubt him, to accuse him of messing me around but as much pleasure as I was sure he was gaining from my breakdown I didn't see him managing to pull the wool over my eyes and manipulate me to this extent. It was a haunting thought that made me come to the undeniable conclusion that it could only have been me. Backing away, my back hit a tree as my breath caught and choked me, the tears threatening to fall as I heard the older Sawyer's laugh. Stepping closer he put a boot to the poor still man and turned their head with a low whistle. "Didn't hold back now, did you? But oh, wait, that wasn't you right?" I glowered as he mocked me and groaned disgusted as I once again used my stained hands on my face in an effort to capture the tears that threatened to fall. The foul copper taste filled my mouth, a taste I wasted no time spitting out onto the grass and dirt beside me wanting it all to go away.
"I didn't..." I knew it was a lie but thinking of the truth only bombarded me with more questions, the most prominent of which was what in the name of God was happening to me. How could so much time pass and for it to feel like I was waking up from a dream? How much was a blur or even real? There didn't seem to be any distinguishing what was true because what appeared to be was absurd. I remembered what Tinker had said, it had been months but through those months I couldn't even recall a full day. I had seen glimpses, nightmares. I had felt the touch of them and the reminder of it only made me shudder, the lingering of Tex's cries of pleasure forcing the feeling of acid bubbling in my gut to intensify. "I didn't!"
"Of course not. Just the person who did this sure as shit looked like you, sounded like you and was dressed like you. Minus all the blood of course, you really lack the ability to have a clean kill, don't you? Get a little bit excited each time. No shame in that, spend all your life under daddy's thumb and now you're finally rebelling right?" He taunted only being more humoured as I covered my ears with blood stained hands.
"Shut up! Just shut the fuck up." I warned subtly knowing he didn't care for such a thing, if anything denying his claims only made him more smug.
"Is someone a little sensitive to the truth? Just going to conveniently forget this as well I imagine. Same as every time we get a strop from you, suddenly afterwards you're right as rain."
"Right?" The word stuck in my throat as I forced it out in horror. Placing a trembling hand onto the tree I writhed in disgust at the feeling of blood which clung to my flesh and clothes. "What is right about this?!" Nothing. There was nothing that was right. There were no obvious answers which stuck out, at least none I really wanted to take on board as I mauled over the word in frustration. No part of this was 'right.' I had killed someone, I had been out of consciousness for months, my body manipulated like some form of marionette or puppet under the demented family's care. I could only imagine what else I had done.
"Come on now, help me get them home. Sure Tex is already back by now with his target."
"Is that supposed to entice me?" I bit back instantly. The thought of having that snake anywhere near me only added to the sickness that rested in my gut desperate to get out. This is a man who had tortured me, killed my friends and took pleasure in every single tear I shed, why would I want to return or be anywhere in his proximity.
"Doesn't usually fail but then like you said, wasn't you, right?" Glaring in Tink's direction he shrugged nonchalantly. "I believe you. Not that it matters, all of us believe you. Like I said, sometimes you're real good and helpful and then other times...well you do what you're doing now. Get all emotional, defensive and uncooperative. A little tedious if you ask me but then, much rather deal with your tantrums than Alfredo's anyday."
"What have you done to me?" I demanded, absorbing his words as the tears once again burned in my eyes. "What have you crazed fuckers done to me?!"
"Shit if I know, do I look like a doctor or shrink? I'm not for getting into people's brains unless it's in a literal sense and either then I'm all about texture as well as taste. You're the smart one aren't you, shouldn't you know what's happening to you?" Shaking my head, I threaded my fingers through my hair gripping at the strands tightly trying to think and focus on what could be happening as Tinker sighed. "I'll just sit down and wait then, shall I?" Clapping his hands against his knees, he rested on a log with an exaggerated breath, "take your time."
"By all means leave."
"Nice try, I so much as turn my back while you're like this you'll get dramatic and run. Then I'll have to carry your sorry ass back as well as this lard ass." Kicking out his legs to hit the unfortunate man, I turned my head away. "I just have to wait until either you see sense or do what it is you do when the little sister side of you shows."
"You're fucking insane if you think I'm going back with you willingly."
"Uh huh. Like I said, I'll wait. Means I have to do less when we get back."
"And you say Alfredo is lazy, don't let Mama hear you go talking like that." I flinched almost instantly as I heard Tex's voice from the trees before emerging. Looking between myself and his brother, he gave a wicked grin back in my direction. "Having another bad day huh?"
"Just waiting for her to snap back out of it." Tink shrugged. "You were fast, not wanting to play with your food today? Or maybe you sensed that someone was being stubborn."
"Junior took over, he wanted to have some fun." Tex informed him before folding his arms looking at me. Furiously I glowered in his return feeling every ounce of my being wanted no more than to pick up the rock the man before had been beaten with and use it on him. "See what you mean already Tech. I'll take it from here."
"Suit yourself but I am taking the long way."
"You trust Alfredo to make dinner?" Tex challenged him, raising an eyebrow he turned back to his brother sceptical and only got a heavy sigh of response. Something which gave away completely that he didn't. It wasn't as though they had been subtle on what they considered Alfredo's lone use to be and handling food wasn't it. Grumbling as he straightened up and steadied himself on his feet, Tinker turned his attention to the man who still lay there.
"Let me guess, that's my job as well?"
"If you don't mind." Tex replied indifferently. Tilting his head, he continued to keep his focus on me while I remained still. There wasn't really a solution out of this, especially while outnumbered. Keeping one in my hair, I used the palm of it to rub against my forehead trying to regain some control but nothing really made sense anymore.
"If it was anyone asking I sure as shit wouldn't be doing it." Tink commented sourly. Wasting little time, he bent over to pull an arm over his shoulder. Giving a thick grunt of strain as he did so the man slumped against him. The weight difference became more obvious as his legs buckled beneath him upon impact of the dead man against his chest. "Next time you kill, you will be doing the carrying."
"Wasn't me, remember." I replied instantly. Laughter came from both of them as Tink gave a small salute with his hook before turning his back to me and past Tex.
"She's all yours."
"As if that was ever in doubt." The blonde started smugly moving closer with exaggerated strides. "Lori, Lori, Lori here we are again."
"Don't come near me!"
"So starts the conversation we tend to have everyday. Never how it ends though, is it?"
"I have a vague idea of how it ends." I hissed back, the echo of his groans lingering in my ears, the feeling between my legs. The sickness rose once again, tears threatened to spill once more but I was adamant on preventing it from happening, he fed on fear and I knew no matter what I said his intentions were the only ones that mattered. Pouting tauntingly, Tex raised his hands and took another step forwards as I took one back.
"You know, I really don't mind if you want to have a fight."
"I don't doubt that." I could only imagine how many times we had been through this. How much I had tried to compel myself against him through the fatigue and pain. I may not have known what was happening but I'd like to think no matter what there was a struggle. I attempted to ignore the statements Tinker had made about me being docile and uncooperative and focused only on the rage now.
"Makes it more fun. I may like it when you behave alright but when you're like this, does something else."
"You really are one sick bastard." I hissed furiously, slowly withdrawing my hand from my face as he once again stepped closer.
"Don't I know it." Tex shook it off like a compliment. "But look at how fun you make it. Sweetheart, it's the most fun I've had in years and not like you are always so against it."
"I am against it!"
"Sometimes." He hummed checking his nails to show he thought little of any protest I made against him. It was sickening.
"I'm going to kill you." I was adamant as he stood there before me smug and proud of all he had afflicted on me and done what I could and would. He had violated me, he had caused so much pain and even now being told so, it affected him little if at all. The fact he taunted me only made me more sure of it. If I had really been behind the helm of the murder that just took place then I could do it again and at the very least take him out the picture. My scarred fingers clenched in fists, savouring the feeling of the blood that stained them and told myself to focus and make it so that the only time I willingly took a life it would be his.
"Heard that before." The blonde replied scratching the back of his head and not taking the threat seriously.
"And you'll hear it again until one of us is dead."
"Not what I'd call a happy ending." He replied flatly, disappointment written brief on his entertained features.
"I know full well what you would see as a happy ending. It's not happening." I told him bitterly.
"Uh huh, come on then sweetheart, lets see what you've got." Fury splintered through my body, my legs gaining as much strength as I could muster as I stood up straight and still. My mind went to rocks, bits of logs and the connection to traps. There were plenty of objects I could use to my advantage if I got to them first. Tex however remained still watching me, something I noticed once I returned my focus to him. Lips curved up in a smirk, he held up his hands. "Ladies first."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" In watching me he already seemed to be silently testing what could take the most and least time and it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up questioning if anything would in fact be an advantage. If I made myself vulnerable against him I dreaded my welfare. For what was going on when I wasn't really there. Deciding against leaning down or picking something up, I breathed heavily, able to smell and taste the thick metallic essence which lingered on my face and hands.
Deciding that I had nothing left to lose, I launched myself at him. As he moved to the side step, I stuck my leg out aiming at his knee and sending him into the dirt. As he fell, I felt his grip against my ankle and pain brushed through my wrist into my arm as I too collided on the ground. Having had enough of the constant pain inflicted on my body, I groaned in fury and pulled at my leg before pushing it back feeling somewhat satisfied when I heard his grunt knowing my boot had connected with him. I was not going to lose this. Turning around painfully on the dirt, I kicked again until the hold he had relinquished. Almost instantly he spat, a mix of blood and saliva hitting the ground.
"That can't be the best you have."
"I've just started." I swore defiantly as he beamed.
"Promises, promises sweetheart. I'll believe you when I feel it."
"You will."


Seeing anyone on this road somehow seemed like a miracle. Through the darkness, the beams of the headlights made it clear that someone was walking along the path. Having to squint and concentrate, they corrected themselves once they got a clearer look. Not walking but limping.
Were they in pain? Surely to stumble this far out they couldn't have been having a wild night with drinks or a good smoke of anything but tobacco. The man behind the wheel wasted no time, there were no other cars in sight and if this person was in danger then as the only person around he had a responsibility. Focusing on the small figure, he noticed as he grew closer that they were female, long auburn hair curling down their back, they didn't notice him as he stopped behind them, engine hissing gently. She didn't seem to stir or notice his existence continuing on as if she had a destination in mind.
"Miss?" Not wanting to frighten the woman or have them fear she was being followed, he made his presence known. He could hear the gentle noise of whispers as he kicked open his door and called again as he clipped free his belt. This time the woman stopped but she didn't turn around. Only shifted uncomfortably. Perhaps it wasn't the best look to roam after her but as he got out the truck, he knew immediately he had made the right choice. Her clothing had been torn as if someone had been trying to grab and pull at her, hands bloodied. Not wanting to intimidate her further, he stood at a small distance and called a third time. Slowly, she turned and any thought of staying a distance was gone in the blink of an eye. Just like her hands, her face was red, at least below the nose, a fresh cut rested on the edge of her eyebrow and swelling in her cheek bone. "Shit..." It was all the ageing man could allow himself to mutter, her blank expression being replaced with a crumbling one that came with tears. Closing the gap between them, he ushered her towards the vehicle with a gentle hand. "You're alright, you're good. What's your name?" Through the gentle sobs the woman didn't verbalise an audible response as he led her into the chair. "Let's get you to a hospital."
"No." The cries halted immediately, green eyes piercing at him seriously. Her voice was stern and adamant.
"You can't just stay out here." If she had been attacked then it was likely the person was still out there waiting to strike again or worse. It was safer to keep moving and making distance. That much he knew for sure.
"Take me to Mama's house, it's just around the corner." The balding man raised an eyebrow unsure how anyone could live 'just around the corner' in the middle of nowhere. Still the auburn haired woman sat still, her head tilting as she looked to the trees she had been walking beside. He pondered how hard she had hit her head and even if she had he couldn't help but doubt that these injuries were self inflicted. Wanting to question her more, she cocked her head in his direction slowly, wide eyes taking him in. "It's okay you don't have to take us, Tex can take us home."
"Tex?" With pouty lips, she nodded in response to the name she had issued before noticing that her attention was not on him as opposed to over him. Then there was a sudden pain enveloping his body, the point of a knife sticking out through his neck as he gargled and choked on his own blood. Trying to reach for help the young lady continued to sit still with a small smile slowly forming across her lips.
He had been had. He knew that for sure as she moved to push his head down and in the mirror he watched as the woman kissed the blonde haired male who had appeared from behind him who only greeted her back in return.

Antecedent (Tex Sawyer)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora