Antecedent 8

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A/N second time uploading as I wanted to add to it. First half was too short for my liking so when I started nine I figured I may as well add it on to lengthen it out! Thank you to Inconvenient_Ideal for taking the time  to editing part A+B.
Trigger warning as well. For shame Tex! Not that your mother is much better...


Returning to the house didn't take long after Tink had made his point abundantly clear. His intentions apparently all along having been only to warn me about the obvious fact that escape was futile. It was something I already knew in my gut, I currently wasn't in a position to be a flight risk. To just run out in the middle of nowhere would be stupidity and as he had suggested, I was at a disadvantage. Still there was naturally a part of me that wished to continue spinning scenarios in my head. I didn't want to be within the company of the Sawyers any longer. I knew what they were capable of and I had suffered and witnessed what they had done. They deserved the full brunt of the law or just a hospital with specialised help. Though I doubted that anyone was trained or equipped enough to deal with the problems these family members had. "Now, you remember what I said." Tink warned as he parked in the drive and shut off the engine to fully focus on me. "Or else." Pointing a finger in warning, I just pursed my lips. I didn't have an answer that would humour or deny his threats. He'd see through a line in a heartbeat but agreeing with him verbally was a matter of pride and while they had stripped away most there was a speck that stayed. "Don't be stupid, I expect more from a young lady with a brain."
"Is that a compliment?"
"An observation." He corrected me simply. Keeping my green eyes locked with his chestnut ones, Tink nodded after we exchanged yet another moment of silence. Tilting the keys from his hook and onto his tanned hand he leant over me to reach the rusting padlock, with a small thud it released but he stayed so I could see he was watching me. I didn't dare move as he did. "You walk in the house nicely or I make you a nice collar. So far you've been good, keep it up or-"
"You start pulling teeth." I finished remembering his threat clear as a bell. In return, Tink grinned seemingly proud that I had been listening to him.
"Or?" He pressed just to test the notion, waving his hook in indication for me to continue. I closed my eyes, it was almost like being at school and being made to rehearse at the end of class. Only Tinker Sawyer ought to be no one's first choice of teacher.
"Or maim me like the psychopaths you are." I bit back after breathing through my nose gently. It was only too easy to remember what he had said but far more difficult to resist striking him or ripping his earring out.
"Exactly," Tink grinned widely, ignoring the basic insult that was sent his way. "See a girl with a brain just like I said." Leaning back and giving a nod to show I was once again allowed to move, I opened the door of the truck. The heavy chain instantly collided against the metal frame as I pushed it shut. If push came to shove, at least there was a potential weapon in it. It was far larger and a fair size heft than what you would use to simply bind a bike. My stomach knotted at the sight of the front door but hearing Tink's door shut seconds after hesitating, I pushed myself onwards. He was right, I had a brain and in trying anything stupid at this moment would only be showing otherwise. Not only would it be futile but the only thing that would be achieved was punishment. Tink had warned me of what he would intend to do if I bolted and Tex had done the same. "Ladies first."
Chivalry isn't dead.
"I'm guessing you still don't trust me." I said sarcastically, moving before him I could practically feel his body against my own, fully prepared to tackle or dish out a smack down in case he had gotten through to me as much as he desired. Guiding me to the front door, he made sure he was the one to pull down the handle. Barely giving me enough room to avoid it, his outstretched arm rested over my shoulder, elbow close to connecting to my nose. This family clearly had no concept of personal space but luckily unlike Tex and Alfredo, Tinker seemed to just be cautious rather than pushing, pulling and ordering me as a form
of pleasure for them.
"You're damn right about that." He replied, giving a nudge with his knee. "Mama, I'm home." Pushing again but keeping his arm over me, Tink turned to close the door behind us. From where I remembered the kitchen to be, a mechanic-like female voice welcomed him but no one stepped out to show face.

Antecedent (Tex Sawyer)Where stories live. Discover now