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"What a foolish fucking king," I seethed.

He doesn't deserve that crown. I do.

I stormed into the crowded pub, ready to get some alcohol in my system. Inside, the air was thick and stuffy. People sat clumped into groups at the tables throughout the room. I opted to sit at the bar. I wasn't in the mood to be disturbed by some idiot drunken banter. This is the place where the criminally insane demons and con men liked to occupy their free time. No one here would ever recognize me as the king's right-hand man.

I adjusted my white dress shirt as I sat down, and lazily popped open a few buttons at the top. I waved the bartender over and ordered a drink.

My throat burned as I gulped the first drink down. If he won't lend me his men, then I'll just have to find another way to get my fairy.

The place was noisy and after a few drinks in my bloodstream, it had started to get unbearable. And really hot. I rolled up the cuffs of my shirt till they reached my elbows.

The men sitting at the table behind my stool were chatting animatedly. I wasn't paying attention until I heard 'fairy' enter their vocabulary.

"No I swear, we really did catch one this time! Gods, they are slippery little things though. Zephyr and I had to retie the restraints like three times." He slurred.

Did my ears deceive me? Were they talking about capturing a fairy? I turned in my seat a little too fast, spilling the drink in my hand. The men continued their conversation, oblivious to my drunken clumsiness.

"Yea, just a matter of time before the boss sells her to the highest bidder. Some sick demon fucker will want a pretty little fairy," the man laughed.

I was that sick demon fucker.

I stumbled over to their table and the group of men looked up at me upon arrival. "How much for the fairy?"

The man looked surprised to see that I had eavesdropped on their conversation. Nonetheless, he told me the price his boss was starting the bid at.

"I'll double that. Take me to him."

I paid for the group's drinks and they all split up. The fairy-catcher was clearly annoyed that I interrupted his social time. I didn't care. They had something I needed.

"The name's Zander," he introduced himself, "what might yours be?"

"Alastor," I blurted. The effects of alcohol were slowly wearing off. The excitement of getting what I've been manifesting sobered me up.

Outside of the pub, the man crouched down, drawing a symbol in the dust with his finger. I rolled my eyes at his unnecessary display while trying to open a portal. Lower-tier demons always make such a scene by playing in the dirt. Higher tier demons such as myself, and the king can summon a portal with just the mere thought of a destination.

The gateway passage opened and he stepped through. I followed impatiently. Waiting to get my hands on that fairy. I need that wish. I am going to become king of the demons no matter what it takes.

The portal took us to a shabby two-story house. It almost looked abandoned. Great, I'm trusting a homeless squatter demon whose only proof of capturing a fairy is word of mouth. I ground my teeth as we trudged into the house.

It was cold and drafty inside, massive holes were torn in the walls. They were covered by scraps of wooden planks nailed over them. There was barely any furniture inside the house other than a torn up couch, and an upside down bucket that was being used as a makeshift coffee table.

"Skip! There's a man here to see you!" Zander shouted into the house. "Says he'll pay double!" He adds. I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance.

A man stomped down the stairs. He looked like a spitting image of Zander. A second man followed him; he had dark skin and a scar running down the side of his face.

"Shit what were you two doing upstairs while I was gone?" Zander joked. His twin hit him upside the back of his head. "Ouch," the idiot pouted, rubbing the spot he was struck.

"Zander, who the fuck is this?" The scarred man's deep voice questioned. I assumed he was 'Skip'. His eyes scanned me.

"Alastor. The king's advisor and close friend." I said amused at the irony of the situation.

Upon hearing my words, the twins each pulled daggers out of their pockets. Skip crossed his arms over his chest threateningly.

"Shit Zander, you brought one of the king's men here?" His jaw ticked as he kept his gaze on me. "What the fuck do you want?"

"I want to take down the king and I need your help. I heard you have what I'm looking for."

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