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"There you go," I whispered to the little creature below me.

I untangled the last of the vines from the fox's legs. He softly nudged my hand in gratitude.

I gently patted his small head before standing up from my crouched position next to him. The sun was setting in the distance and the tall trees protected me from its blinding rays.

I should head home. Mama always said nothing good happens when the sun goes down.

I watched as the fox ran off into a bush nearby and silently prayed he would be more careful around the growing vines next time. Turning back to the trail, I started heading home. My basket of berries in hand and the train of my stained white dress trailing behind me with each step. Mama also told me never to wear white when picking berries.

Once I reached my cottage, the sun had set and the creatures of the night started chirping and croaking in the woods behind me. I entered my home and placed the basket of fruit on the kitchen table. The moonlight was already pouring in through the glass window.

Reaching behind me, I unfastened the small buttons on my stained garment. Sliding it down my hips until it dropped to the ground. It felt so freeing to be in the nude. My long raven locks tickled my backside as I swayed from the kitchen into my bedroom. I grabbed a clean night dress on my way into the connecting bathroom. I placed the apparel on the shelf by the sink. Making sure to light a few candles around the edges of the tub, I then turned the spout on. Extending my arms over my head, I reached to the shelf above and grabbed my bath salts, flower petals, and scented oils.

Looking at each one, I decided to go with my vanilla bath salts and lavender scented oil. It was my favorite and most used combination. As the water ran from the spout to the tub, I dropped my bath products in. Making sure I added lavender and camomile petals to the water as well.

After my bath, I quickly slipped into the sheer nightdress and let my long hair drip down my back to air dry. I drained the tub water and doused the lit candles. Feeling quite hungry, the ripe berries I had picked earlier were practically calling my name.

Stepping into the kitchen, I picked my berry-stained dress off the floor, draping it casually over the chair. Lighting a few candles, I smiled at how the flickering flame made me feel better. I was always scared of the dark. Suddenly, there was a loud scratching sound at the door.

My heart pounded in my chest, thinking of all the possibilities it could be. Was it a dangerous creature? Maybe a rabid wolf or bear? Is it a supernatural being? A troll? A demon? My head was spinning and the scratching didn't stop.

I've never been brave. Anytime the other fairies would tease or belittle me, I would keep my head down. Taking their words like they were stakes to the heart. But I have to be brave this time. I live alone; no one was coming to help me.

Bracing myself, I slowly walked to the cottage entrance. Manifesting my wings to come out in case I needed to make a quick getaway. I felt them materialize, emerging from the body ink on my back.

 I felt them materialize, emerging from the body ink on my back

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I flitted them nervously as I walked to the door. My senses on high alert.

Hand on the knob, I twisted it slowly. The scratching ceased. I opened the door, looking around cautiously into the dark abyss. There wasn't anything there.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Alarmingly, I felt something brush up against my ankle. Looking down I saw it was a fox. The same one I had rescued earlier. He must have followed me home. Maybe he is scared of the dark too.

I laughed at myself. I had gotten all worked up over a harmless little pup.

Bending down, I scooped him up in my arms. My wings fluttered happily. "You can come in, I don't mind some company." I cooed at the young fox.

I felt my wings melt back into my skin, the ink replacing them as a tattooed outline on my back.

He nuzzled his head in my chest as I slipped back inside the warm cottage. I set him down on the floor and he stayed by my side.

"What should we call you?" I questioned out loud. Tapping a finger to my chin a few times.

"How about..." I trailed off looking around the house, "Berry?" My eyes landed on the basket of berries on the kitchen table.

"No," I shook my head.

Walking into the room, I turned on the sink faucet and filled up two bowls. Placing one on the ground for the fox, which he graciously drank from. In the second bowl, I washed the freshly picked berries. After patting them dry with a cloth, I tossed them into a clean bowl and lowered myself to the floor to sit by the wild fox. Berry bowl in hand, I snacked on them, sharing with the little cub as I pondered different names.

"How about Fluffy?" The fox seemed to huff at my horrible name choice. "Okay, I guess that one's out of the question as well."

Berry-Fluffy padded his paws over to my lap, deciding it was time to curl up and fall asleep. I smiled at his tired state. My lids were also heavy from all the prior excitement of the day. I felt a yawn slip between my lips, following the same sleepy trance as the fox. I picked the small creature up in one arm, the berry bowl in my other hand.

After placing the bowl on the table, I headed upstairs with the sleepy fox. Making sure to extinguish all the candles on the way to my room. I crawled onto the bed and placed him gently on one of my many pillows. He stretched before curling back up into the same position. I slipped under the covers beside him taking a pillow under my head. I soon found myself drifting off. Feeling a little less alone than before.

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