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Charlene's pov

Leonor promised to take me to the town today before our fight tomorrow, I accepted of course so I can see how her people see and think of her. I walked out of the castle to find her waiting at the main doors with Raven. I smiled and walked closer to her, she kissed my hand then grabbed my waist putting on the horse. She jumped behind me and we started heading out with a few of her men behind us.

"Why are we going to town all of a sudden" I asked curiously, the people were waiting patiently with a smile on their faces. She helped me down the horse and we started walking around the town while the people greeted us from every corner. This almost reminds me of my own kingdom, how my people appreciated the visits. A little girl came running to us and Leonor picked her up in her arms and started playing with her while the little girl giggled.

"I'm sorry your majesty, she ran away" her mother came running to us and Leonor just chuckled kissing the girl's cheek. She put her hand in her pocket and grabbed a dozen golden coins and discreetly put them in the little girl's pockets because if other people saw they'd steal from the poor woman and her child.

"Take care of your mother okay?" Leonor said to the oblivious baby, she handed her back to her mother and we went with our way. We reached a place that I didn't think Leonor would visit. A library.

"Since you like reading a lot and we're getting married soon. I thought maybe you should get some books to read" she said smugly, I rolled my eyes at her and went to check the books.

"How are you so sure you'll be winning?" I asked curiously as I traced my fingers on the dusty shelves. I felt her press against me and her hand wrapped around my face turning it to look at her.

"Do you think I'll let you get away that easily princess?" She chuckled and gently pressed her lips on mine. I kissed her back not realizing we were in a public space. I gently pushed her away and flipped her off which made her chuckle.

I picked a few books to take with me to the castle, and Leonor payed extra money even though she didn't have to. She said she rarely visits but when she does she can't not give them money.

Leonor said she had something to do and that she'll be come fetch me later tonight so we can go for a ride at the field like the other day. I ran to my room to change into more comfortable clothes, I was almost done when someone pushed the door and I smiled excitedly thinking  it was Leonor but it was just Lupus.

"Oh..." I said disappointed, her rolled his eyes and came closer to where I was standing. He stared at me up and down with disappointment.

"Tomorrow is your last fight, you have to win. For the sake of the both of us. Tonight, I'll give Leo something to drink that'll relax her too much, tomorrow she won't be able to fight. You can't win against her unless I do this, that gives you a tiny chance to kill her. Just like you desired" he said with a smirk on his face, do I really want to kill Leonor? Am I still holding that grudge against her? Because all that happens when I think of her is my heart beating uncontrollably and my brain showing me images of what we did, very very explicit images.

"No thank you Lupus. I don't want to kill her anymore, I'll just ask her nicely and she'll let me go fix things back at my kingdom. I'd love to come back here though, I'm starting to like this place" I finished closing my clothes and mentioned for him to leave. He looked angry with me, like I just ruined his dirty little plan that he'd been dreaming off the whole time. He stormed out of the door and I sighed in relief. I laid on my bed and waited for Leonor, hours has past but she never showed up. So I thought maybe she was too tired I wasn't going to bother her, so I just went to sleep. I'll talk to her tomorrow.


The next day, the queen wasn't at the dining room for breakfast as always which weirded me out, since Katia left the other day we've been having breakfast together and now that she didn't show up I'm starting to get worried.

I went to the field where I was going to fight Leonor, I found Lupus and a couple of men waiting to watch the fight but no sight of the queen. I gave Lupus a worried look and he just shrugged his shoulders.

After long few minutes of waiting the queen has finally showed up looking like she hadn't had any sleep. So Lupus had went with his plan? Thinking I'd kill the queen? She didn't look at me or at anyone, she already had her sword in her hand and she dragged it on the ground untill she reached the circle. She fixed her posture and swayed the blade from side to side while taking a deep breath, she finally looked up at me and her eyes were red as if she was crying. She pulled her arms open as if inviting me to charge at her.

"You wanted to kill me my love?" She started making my eyes widened, I looked at Lupus who had the same surprised one meaning he didn't tell her anything.

"...well here's your chance." Her voice cracked slightly as the tears streamed down her cheeks. When I didn't move her face switched from sadness to anger.

"Kill me!"

Oh oh drama!!!!


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