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Charlene's pov

The after I saw the queen literally decapitate a man for asking for his pay I couldn't help but hate her even more. For a pretty woman, she's heartless and only cares about herself.

I was called in the morning to have breakfast with her but of course I wasn't in the mood to see her face, so I stayed in my chamber reading a book that I found more interesting than arguing with her on this beautiful sunny morning.

A knock on the door grabbed my attention away from the book and got up to see who it was.

"Yes? Lupus" I said, this man was starting to get on my nerves. He thinks we're friends, I will never befriend any of the residents of this castle. I don't trust them, not one bit.

"You highness, it's already after noon and the queen asks you to join her for lunch" he said with a smile, I rolled my eyes and shut the door in his face but of course he had to put his foot and stop me from closing it.

"She insists." He put his hand on the sword that was buckled to his belt. Why would they disturb my good reading session, I already said that I didn't want to the first time why do they insist on making it hard for me.

"Lead the way" I replied giving up, I was hungry anyways and I'm sure the queen wasn't going to starve me but she'll feed me the finest meals and that's all I care about right now. Food.

I kept following the man around the castle until we reached a small garden in the middle of the place, the ceiling wasn't there and the sun was shining on the rectangular shaped table where the queen was seated. She was wearing a white outfit with a lot of metal accessories. At the sound of our footsteps, she looked up and nodded in approval. She mentioned for me to sit and I took a seat without making any remarks.

"I apologize for what happened yesterday, that man was a traitor and I've been waiting for the right moment to kill him. He thought I was just a silly little girl who doesn't deserve this crown and has been giving secret information to our enemies" She apologized with a genuine smile this time, I gave her a suspicious look and thanked the maid who just put a plate of roasted duck in front of me.

"You know, I want to be on good terms with you but you're very hard to please..." She started without looking at me, she was busy eating so elegantly. I didn't reply and just waited for her to continue, as for what she said, on the contrary I wasn't hard to please anything simple would make me happy because I had everything when I was a kid, so expensive things don't quite hit the spot.

"I, have decided to let you do one activity that you like and I'd join you if I was we can get to know each other" she stated, I chuckled thinking she was playing but she just looked at me waiting for an answer. I smirked and leaning back on my seat, I tried to find anything in her eyes that screamed 'trap' but she looked so serious about this decision.

"Fine, I choose fighting. Sword fighting to be exact" I know she won't trust me with a sword around her that's why I played that card, she smiled and stood up walking closer to where I was seated. She gave me her hand to grab but I didn't I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms she sighed and pulled her arms behind her back straightening her posture.

"Follow me" she said and started heading somewhere, wait...was she really going to accept? I caught up to her but we weren't going outside but further in the castle. She opened the door for me and I walked inside the bedroom. Why did she bring me here? What was she going to do to me?

"You look like you're worried I'd something to you. Just to be clear, I am a monster but in battle not in assaulting women..." She rolled her eyes and walked inside a different door, probably her closet. I looked around the room, it was huge with a king size bed covered in black silk sheets. The carpet was actually a polar bear, oh my god. The poor thing...

"Here you go, try this." She handed me a leather outfit, pants and jacket along with boots and a belt. I grabbed them and started heading out but she stood in front of the door with a smirk.

"Go on and change, I'll be right with you.." She walked back inside her closet and I just sighed in relief, I really thought she was going to make me change in front of her. I quickly unbuttoned my dress taking it off, I put the shirt and surprisingly the jacket fit perfectly, so did the pants I just had to tighten them with the belt. I put the boots on and went in front of the mirror to check what I looked and to be honest, I looked amazing, the leather hugged every part of my body. All I needed was a sword, maybe this was actually a great idea... perfect excuse to kill the queen.

My thoughts were interrupted by the queen walking out with a normal fit, no leather armor no nothing, even better for me easier target and fatal hits.

In silence, we walked out of the castle towards the backyard. It was a huge field where every man of hers was training, the clacking of swords and grunts of soldiers were heard all over the place. Lupus was sitting on one of the barrels sharpening his knife, at the sight of us he gave a surprised look.

"Your grace?" He said in a curious tone, she patted his shoulder and went to grab to swords. She looked at the first one and played with it and threw the other towards me which I grabbed before it split my face in a half. Thank my fast reflexes. She started circling me with a smirk on her face and I felt her stop behind me.

"If you try anything, princess. I won't hesitate to slice your soft throat" her breath tickled the back of my neck since I had my hair to the side making goosebumps crawl on my skin. I quickly spun and swung my sword at her head but she stopped it with her own before it reached her.

"Rule number one, anger is your enemy. Never let your feelings take over when you're fighting" She stated swinging her sword at my stomach and jumped back dodging it, was she going to train me? I don't need some bitch to show me hot to fight! I can do it myself! I charged at her again but she stepped to the side and I almost fell on my face. How can she move so fast?

"What matters is strategy, make your enemy think, make him doubt...a confused man is an easy target" I listened carefully to her words and noticed she had her hand on her side, that's when I remembered the last time we fought I cut her left side. She stepped closer to me and went to hit my arm but I crouched and spun around kicking her on the side that was wounded making her wince in pain. Her men took out their swords and were about to come at me but she stopped them by raising her hand.

"I'm alright" she stated, they all backed away and put their swords back. She fixed her posture and smiled at me. How is she even normal? who smiles after getting hurt? All these questions were rushing in my head to the point where I didn't notice her sword coming directly towards my neck, if I didn't stop her in time my head would've been rolling on the floor. She tripped me just like she did at my castle and put her sword to my chest.

"Not bad for a spoiled brat. But, you get distracted too easily" she said giving me her hand, I slapped it away and pulled myself up. I fixed my top and dusted my pants and walked closer to her face.

"And you talk too much" I said between gritted teeth, she looked at me up and down with a smirk then licked her lips. Ugh, she's so disgusting! I wanna kill her...

Idk I just love what they have rn 😭😭 so cute...

What do you think tho 🧐

Ps: I hate how Wattpad decided to mess up my chapters so I had to delete this and reupload it again smh


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