Chapter 88: What's Next?

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The three of us finally made it back to the school, where everyone was waiting for us.

Akko: Professor!!

Akko ran up and threw her arms around Chariot. The red head hugged back and smiled as she rubbed Akko's back.

Chariot: Hey Akko...well done! You were incredible!

Akko: I couldn't have done it without everyone else!!

She pointed at the rest of the girls, who were stood around.

Chariot: Of course. Well done everyone! You all did fantastic! We believed in you every moment you were out there!

I looked back at Croix. She was smiling a little bit, but still looked uncomfortable. I knew that she didn't believe...but at least now she understands.

As I climbed off the broom, I was tackled to the ground. When I looked up, there was a grinning Lotte and Sucy on top of me.

Y/N: H-Heh...hey girls!

They both leaned in and kissed me in turn, before standing up and helping me to my feet. Where we were swamped by the rest of the girls.

Avery: You all did it!

Wangari: What a story! People are gonna love seeing this in the paper!

Sarah: It was very brave of you all! I kinda wish I was there with you! Would've been better than just sitting here watching!

I smile as everyone kept chatting between themselves. The atmosphere around was filled with joy and celebration!

Hopefully many places across the world were also the same! Everyone must be so relieved that the missile was stopped!

Eventually, I managed to get through the crowd and to the headmistress. As ever, there was a beaming grin on her face.

Holbrooke: All of you are such credits to this school!

Y/N: Well, we did what we always have done! And that's believe in ourselves!

Holbrooke: Indeed!

Her attention quickly turned to Croix, who was on her own still. She tapped my foot with her staff and pointed at her.

Holbrooke: Could you please bring Professor Croix over? We all need to have a talk.

Y/N: I-I can yes...

I paused.

Y/N: A-Are you going to fire her?

Holbrooke: She put everyone in danger Y/N. The whole world. Beyond that Leyline right now, there could very well have been a war going on.

Y/N: I know but....she didn't mean it. That was never her intention. She's not a bad person...

Holbrooke sighed and began to lead me over to her.

Holbrooke: I can't guarantee anyone's safety with her around. Someone would have to keep an eye on her.

Y/N: I'm sure Chariot would be willing to. And in any case, I would as well.

She stopped me.

Holbrooke: Y/N, you're in enough danger now as it is with your father running about.

Y/N: She's not dangerous! She's practically harmless! You cannot compare her to that man! Never!

The headmistress went silent for a moment, before nodding.

Holbrooke: You're right. I can't. I don't want to have to fire her...but this incident will not go unnoticed. I won't be surprised if in the next few days, she is taken away.

[DISCONTINUED] Rehabilitation {Little Witch Academia Harem X Shy Male Reader}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें