Chapter 58: Ursula's Concerns

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[No Ones POV]

Hannah: I don't know about you guys, but hasn't Y/N been a bit quieter again lately?

The three members of the blue team, sat in the cafeteria enjoying their morning cup of tea were now having a discussion on the recent behaviour of their boyfriend. Something they all kept to themselves until Hannah spoke up about it first.

Diana: It isn't unusual for him to have moments where he will go quiet but I haven't thought too much about it. Does it concern you too much?

Hannah: Well not a lot. As you said he has his moments, but I just feel that this might be different this time.

Barbara had remained quiet listening to her two friends talk, but once her lack of response was finally noticed by Diana and Hannah, they turned to her.

Diana: Can you tell us anything more Barbara?

Barbara: I-I don't know how true this is, b-but I think I did hear that Professor Ursula is worried about his relationship with the new professor.

Diana: Why would that concern her? If he has a positive relationship with another professor then surely that will be fine.

Barbara: I-I don't know...what if she does something to him?

Hannah: Please! As if anyone can hurt him! Not only does he have all of us to protect him, his magic is unstoppable!

Diana: I doubt she would, but I think you have a point Barbara. We all just need to continue keeping our guard up.

The other two girls of the blue team nodded in agreement right as they were joined by a sleepy looking Y/N.

Diana: Y/N! What happened? Why do you look so tired?

He shrugged his shoulders and yawned.

Y/N: I-I don't think I got enough sleep last night.

Hannah: How come?

Y/N: I was kinda staring out the window for a long time after you all fell asleep. The stars just looked so beautiful!

Any worry that was held inside the minds of the blue team was vaporised when Y/N seemed to perk up a bit.

Barbara: N-Nothing else right?

Y/N shook his head.

Y/N: I know i-it sounds dumb but that's the truth.

Diana: As long as you are feeling safe, happy and healthy, that's all that matters to us!

A small smile spreads across Y/N's face as he laid his head on the shoulder of Barbara who in turn put her arms around him.

All of this was being watched by an anxious looking Ursula who couldn't help but think that this was still something to do with her former friend.

Finnelan: I understand your concern about this matter Miss Ursula, but I'm afraid there is nothing I can do about it.

Ursula: But why?! Surely the headmistress will know what is best to for his sake! She is the one responsible for giving him a place to stay!

With her anxiety nagging her the whole day and it becoming too much to handle alone, Ursula decided that she had to tell someone about what she believed had happened between Y/N and Croix.

Finnelan: I know, but Professor Croix has become very popular here since providing a solution to trouble we had with the workers going on strike.

Ursula: She took his blood! Apparently it was for 'research' but I still think that someone like her would have different plans for it!

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