Chapter 35

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6:35 pm. 25 more minutes till Hayden shows up. 25 minutes till I lose my shit.
Checking myself for the umpteenth time, I remind myself not to stress it out and that I look fine.

My deep lavender evening dress sits gracefully on my body with its full sleeves giving me something to fiddle with. It's square neck looking elegant paired with the beautiful necklace that Hayden gifted me to what seems like ages ago now.

I leave my hair natural, letting it fall the way it usually falls, something that I've noticed he likes. Butterflies erupt at the memory of the way things unfolded earlier today and I feel so much of everything I don't even know exactly what it is that I feel.

I pair the dress with an elegant set of nude heels and keep my makeup light and breezy.
I know I've never been stunning to look at but I hope at least tonight Hayden finds me pretty.

To think I've been married for what feels like so very long now, and tonight will be like the first time Hayden and I officially go out, like on a formal date. Its crazy how our dynamics have evolved since the very first time we met.

Checking the time again, I groan audibly. Ugh. It's 6:40 only. How has only five minutes passed since, pacing nervously around room I hear the ding of my phone.

Glad for the distraction, I reach out to it, finally something to occupy the remaining 20 minutes.

And yet to my surprise, it was a text from Hayden. I stare at it for a good 30 seconds before I realize I have to text back.

H: Are you ready yet?

I type in a quick 'yes' and hit send and place the phone against my chest as I lean back against the wall for support. Jeez. The way this man makes me feel.

H: come downstairs.

Staring at my phone screen, a new wave of nervousness erupts in my system. He's here. Early. Asking me to come downstairs. My heart going into overdrive, I will myself to calm down. I want to look pretty not like a blubbering mess.

Okay Aves. You got this.

Taking a deep breath, I step out of my room and make my way downstairs. I spot him before he spots me. His back turned to the staircase, he was typing on his phone, not noticing I was already at the top of the staircase and before I could clear my throat or let him know I was here my phone ding again.

H: If you make me wait a second longer, I'll have to come up to your room myself.

I couldn't help but smile at the text. At least now I know I wasn't the only one impatient. I liked the feeling this gave me, all warm and fluttery and I take another second to myself before I text back.

A: That won't be necessary, turn around....

I watch him as he stands alert upon receiving my text, slips his phone in his pocket and straightens his suit before turning around ever-so-slowly. His trail of vision climbs up the stairs, to finally lock eyes with me and at the moment, I was frozen there. Rooted to the spot, just the look he gave me enough to turn my legs to jelly.

He looked as immaculate as always, radiating power, destruction and a lethal dose of sheer allure coming off of him in waves. It must be tiring to look that good all the time and yet no matter how many times I think this is it, I am finally used to how good he looks, he one-ups me the very next time looking effortlessly delicious in his cool, composed stance.

He doesn't take his eyes off me, as I make my way down the stairs, raking me up and down and then back up again. I feel squeamish under his gaze making it difficult for me to focus on my steps. I sure as hell didn't want to trip, or stumble on my face today. Not this time.

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