Chapter Thirteen

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Leaning forward and clasping my hands on the table, I presented the brutal man in front of me with a signature D'Angelo smile.

"Mr. Kovalyov," I began, "I'd like to thank you for the generous amount you and your beautiful wife donated at my charity event last night. It was truly something magnificent."

Konstantin Kovalyov was a large man, his skin was absolutely riddled with tattoos, from the top of his balding head to his toes that were hidden behind socks and leather shoes.

He had black, beading eyes and surprisingly pearly white teeth that he flashed up at me every chance he got. I couldn't even tell yet if his smile was as evil as his soul or if he simply liked smiling.

Besides the gold necklace around his neck and the gold wedding ring band around his finger, Konstantin had no other flashing jewelry or characteristics.

He was quiet, too calm, and mostly grunted instead of using his own words. I don't know if I respected his silent demeanor or if I hated it.

It was only our second time meeting, so it was still too early to tell if I truly trusted him. Only time and blood will tell.

He gave me a curt nod of his head at my words and leaned down to pick up the small saucer of Italian coffee.

"Mr. D'Angelo let's cut to the chase. That is how you Americans say it, da?"

"There is talk of war." I began, "A war that can be avoided with strong, solidified alliances, yes?"

"Sometimes war cannot be avoided, Mr. D'Angelo," He countered, setting his cup down and licking his lips as he leaned back into his leather chair.

I pulled out the pack of cigs from my pocket and offered him one. He took it and I grabbed my lighter to light it for him before snatching one for myself.

"Sometimes it is needed." He noted.

"That is true, but I believe this war is highly avoidable and exceedingly unnecessary."

"The Polish tell me you kill their leader." He spoke, exhaling the smoke while doing so.

"They killed my wife. Glaz za glaz." I spoke in perfect Russian, and I saw his eyes shine with amusement at my saying.  (Eye for an eye)

"The Polish offered me nine percent profit and gifted my wife a hotel. What do you have to offer to me?"

"I'm prepared to offer you the same deal as the Irish. An eight percent profit in my drug distribution and twenty-five percent more areas in Chicago to distribute your dealings."

"Even that put aside, I'd love to gift your sons a part of this business as well once they take over. Also, a woman as beautiful and as loyal as your wife deserves more than one measly little hotel." I tsked, blowing out the smoke.

I brought my hand up and ushered Leonardo over with the gift I bought his wife. He opened the large velvet box containing the $10 million gift emerald and diamond tiara that I bought in an auction last month. I saw his eyes shine as he took in my rather outrageously expensive gift.

"Should you accept this beautiful tiara for your queen of a wife, which values at triple the cost of the hotel the Polish gifted her, we can continue this conversation."

"Mr. D'Angelo, vy zaklyuchili sdelku." He said sealing the deal in Russian even though, his eyes were still glued on the tiara.

"There is a matter of signing the contract. Your loyalty is mine, Mr. Kovalyov. I will not tolerate any disloyalty or disrespect. We are allies, a team."

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