Chapter Eleven

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The man tied to a chair in front of me was crying out for leniency. He didn't even know why he was in my basement, tied up and bloodied as hell. He didn't deserve to live, especially after touching her, after fucking her.

I should have killed him with my own two hands, but I wanted the fear instilled inside of him first. I wanted it to spread inside of him and I wanted him to beg for mercy.

Mercy I wouldn't unleash even if all of Hell froze over.

I didn't want to end his miserable life too quickly. I wanted to have a nice chat with him first. I wanted to know who the fuck he thought he was touching something that belonged to me.

I wanted to know who the fuck he thought he was kissing her, touching her, fucking her.

My insides coiled angrily, and every bit of blood inside of me was boiling like an active volcano about to fucking explode.

Every bit of me was shaking and the urge to make him swallow a few hundred bullets was more than tempting. How fucking dare he touch her? How fucking dare he see her naked?

My eyes scanned over his bruised and swollen face, and I looked to see my men standing to the side. The revolting stench of his sweat, bodily fluids, and rusty smell of blood filled the empty, cold room.

It was something that I still could never get used to. I exhaled the smoke and bent down so that I could take a better look at him.

"Do you know why you're here Anthony Vasquez?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"Please, please, just let me go. I won't report it-you-anything. Just please." He sobbed.

"Shh." I cooed patting the top of his head, "Don't cry. It's pathetic. You touched something that belongs to me." I took a hit and watched more panic glisten over his face along with the sweat and blood.

"It took me a long time to realize this crucial fact, but I don't share."

"I-I don't understand. I swear to you, just let me go and I-"

"Sofia Rossi. You fucked her last night, no?" I asked, letting the smoke slip from my lips as I spoke.

"She's the one that asked me out. I didn't know she was your girl, man. I swear."

"I guess I could see how there would be some confusion. I mean, she doesn't even know that she's mine yet."

I dropped the cigarette onto the floor and crushed it with the sole of my shoe. "Was she a good lay?"

He stayed quiet. I pulled out my gun and shoved the barrel into his forehead. His eyes grew wider in fear and panic, and I loved the thrill of fear that I spiked his blood with.

"She was fine." He blurted, "Fine. She was fine."

"Just fine? C'mon Anthony, per l'amor del cazzo, now you're just insulting my woman." I tsked. (For fucks sake)

"Give me the details. Is she a screamer? Did she shout your name when she orgasmed? Did you even give her an orgasm? Tell me. I want to know how she felt wrapped around you."

He closed his eyes and began to cry, tears falling down his face pitifully. "Please, please, let me go and I'll never ever touch her again. I swear. I promise."

I dug the tip of my gun further into his skin and he winced, his eyes closing even harder.

"I asked a question." His body shook with sobs, and I rolled my eyes. "Stop fucking crying. You were man enough to fuck her, you're man enough to answer me."

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