Chapter 54

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I could not move as Easton, and I stood there, staring at one another. I could feel my feet moving underneath me, but not like big steps or anything like that. It was more like little shuffles as if someone was trying to get me to move. 

"Chelsi, you're just standing in the middle of the room," Blakely whispered close to my ear. 

"You're standing in the middle of the room, staring at Easton." 

I blinked, then turned toward Blakely with wide eyes. "Kill me now," I whispered.

"Take a deep breath and move your feet toward the counter." She pushed me forward. 

"Sorry, I didn't know Blakely was bringing me here," I said, walking up to the counter. 

"It's okay, Chelsi. Can I make you a Cherry Mocha?" He stepped out from behind the espresso machine. 

"Yes." I smiled. "Iced with Almond milk." 

"I remember." He grabbed a cup, filled it with ice, poured the Almond milk, then the syrups into the cup. Then he walked over to the espresso machine and started on the espresso shot for my drink. "I heard you and Gavin are a thing now." He looked up from the machine. 

"No, you heard wrong." I glanced at him, then quickly looked away. "You weren't at school today. I hope everything is okay." I slowly returned my gaze back to him. 

"I was there. I showed up after lunch. I had a doctor's appointment this morning." 

"Oh...I'm glad everything went well." 

"Thanks. Here's your drink." He handed me my drink. 

I went to take the cup from him, and our fingers brushed against one another; the electricity surged through my body, igniting a fire of desire. It was all I could do not to drop my cup and run around the counter and kiss him. He must have felt something, too, because his gaze stayed locked on mine as he slowly pulled his hand away from the cup.

"Blakely, what can I get you to drink?" He asked, shifting his eyes off me long enough to ask Blakely what she wanted to drink. 

"I'll have the same. That looks so good." She leaned over, looking at my drink. "Are you going to the party tonight?" 

"Avery's party?" Easton asked, walking over to the espresso machine. 


"I thought about it. Savannah asked me if I was going the other day." His expression was indifferent, as if he was wrestling with the question himself. 

My heart sank to the pit of my stomach. I lowered my head and walked over to an empty booth because I didn't want Easton to see me cry. I should've known better than to think he was over her. 

"You seriously aren't back with her, are you?" Blakely came right out and asked him. 

"She wants to get back together, but I don't see it happening. She's too much drama for me." 

I turned and slid into the booth facing the door so Easton couldn't see my face. Blakely slid into the seat across from me, sipping on her iced latte. I sat there for a few minutes, staring toward the door, deciding if I wanted to make a run for it or sit there and continue to be humiliated. 

"What's wrong?" Blakely whispered, leaning slightly over the table. "You heard him; they aren't back together." She took another sip of her coffee. "Oh, my god, this is soo good." She closed her eyes, smiling. 

I took a sip of my drink. "Why did you bring me here?" I took another sip. "Did you know he was going to be here?" I glanced over at Blakely as she leaned back in her seat and started to fidget with her nails. She did that when I'd catch her in a lie, which was most of the time. "You did know." I sighed, sinking back into the booth. 

She peeked up, her eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry, Chelsi. I overheard someone in class say Easton was at school after lunch, and I went by his locker, where I heard him tell one of his friends that he had to work after school. I saw how upset you were today when you didn't see him at school today, so I thought I'd bring you here to see him." She grabbed her purse and started digging around in it. 

I got up, walked over to the counter, and grabbed a couple of napkins, but Easton wasn't anywhere up there. So I returned to the booth before the tears smeared Blakely's makeup. She dabbed the corners of her eyes as she sipped on her drink. 

"Are you mad at me?" Blakely asked, setting her drink down. 

"No. I know you meant well. I guess it just wasn't meant to be, is all." I grabbed a napkin off the table. 

"What wasn't meant to be?" Easton asked. 

"Umm...A show that Blakely was telling me about." My wide eyes quickly shifted over to her. 

"Huh...Yeah, I was telling Chelsi about this movie I watched last night. So sad." She dabbed her eyes again even though she wasn't crying. Then, she peeked up at him. "Do you have time to sit down?" She asked. 

"No, thanks. I've got to get back. I was just walking by and heard you talking and thought..." His voice trailed off as he looked over at me. 

"Thought what?" I asked, gazing up into his gorgeous grey eyes. 

"Uhh...If you were going to the party tonight?" He blinked and shook his head. 

"Yeah, we'll be there tonight," Blakely answered for me. 

"Great. Well, I need to get back to work. Maybe I'll see you both there tonight." He turned to walk away and gave me a slight smile. 

Blakely leaned to the side, looking toward the counter, then leaned back to face me. "What the fuck is the matter with the two of you?" She whispered, rolling her eyes. 

"What?" I shrugged my shoulders, taking a sip of my drink. 

"Don't shrug your shoulders at me. You know damn well what I'm talking about. Anyone can see you two like each other, yet neither one of you will come out and say it." She slumped back in her seat, throwing her hands up, then letting them flop down in the seat. 

I couldn't argue with anything she just said because it was probably all true. Well, on my part, I couldn't speak for Easton. I hoped he felt the same way, but I just didn't know anymore. 

We decided to head back to my house and raid my closet for an outfit for me to wear tonight to the party. Blakely was already making plans for my hair and makeup. I slid out of the booth, grabbed my drink, then turned back toward the counter and watched Easton for a few minutes as he made drinks for customers at the counter. Then, I felt a gentle tug on my arm, and Blakely told me we needed to go. I turned around and followed a few steps behind her as we walked out of Lilli's. 

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