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"Jungkook has requested that you attend the gallery with him tomorrow so that you may provide your valuable insight," Hoseok clicked his tongue, holding in his laughter out of respect. Yep. This was how my Friday morning was starting.

"Oh, are those the words he used?" I chuckled, unsure of what to think. Maybe he couldn't find someone to go with him, so he'd chosen me as a last resort. Or maybe he really did just value my opinion, as his boss.

"I'm certain those are the words he used."

"What would you do in my position, Secretary Jung?"

His lashes fluttered over his widened eyes, startled by my question. "I don't think it's my place to say."

"I'm asking for advice, just humor me, please," I urged him to respond.

"Well," he began cautiously. "If you honestly believe he invited you on the premise of helping him with the project, then I see no harm in attending. But if there's any bit of you that believes he invited you for another reason, maybe it's best to decline."


"I've said too much, I'm sorry," Hoseok pouted. "I don't know the relationship between the two of you."

"No, you've answered my question as I asked," I patted him on the shoulder and gave him a reassuring nod. "You and I have been working together for quite some time now, and during one of the most difficult periods of my life. You've seen me at my worst. I consider you a dear friend, not just my secretary. You never have to hold back your thoughts from me."

Hearing my words, he regained his usual cheerful composure. "Yet you still don't let me call you by your name," he teased.

"I'm sorry, I just can't," I frowned.

After what happened with Jungkook, I promised myself not to get too close to my next secretary. Even developing a friendship with Hoseok was more than I ever intended to do. He'd consoled me after I collapsed into a crying mess one too many times for me to pretend that he meant nothing to me. Still, I never let him call me Y/N, and I never called him anything except Secretary Jung.

Somehow, I felt like our professional titles were a barrier that kept me from getting too attached. It was the only way I knew how to protect myself from being hurt. This way, if he left me too, I wouldn't be losing anything more than another secretary.

"I know you have your reasons for not letting anyone in," he spoke lowly. "But you're a kind person, Miss Park, you should let more people see that side of you."

No, I couldn't lift the mask. The last time I started to do that...


Slipping on a pair of suede knee boots to complement my mini dress, and taking one last look in the mirror, I prepared to leave my apartment. I had decided to go completely against what Hoseok had advised and attend the gallery with Jungkook. Because I did have a doubt in my mind that Jungkook asked me there only for my professional insight. Or I foolishly hoped that was the case.

I hoped that this time alone would be an opportunity to get answers. Closure. I needed to know why he did what he did. How. How could he say such sincere, sweet words to me one day, and such cruel ones the next? How come his every touch expressed such love but he claimed it was nothing? It can't have been just my imagination. Even a world class actor couldn't replicate the emotions between us.

Call it intuition, but something felt off about the whole situation. I expected Jungkook would be able to provide some clarity on the matter, one way or another. If my gut feeling was wrong, and he had truly mercilessly betrayed me, I could walk away with no regrets and remove him from my mind for good. But if by some chance, my gut feeling was right, it could change everything between us.

Jungkook was waiting for me outside the venue, dressed in a casual suit. I sucked in as deep of a breath as my lungs would allow and approached him. "Good evening," I waved to grab his attention.

"Hey, Y/N," he responded with a soft smile. "Thanks for coming last minute."

"Yes, well, I had time," I mumbled, looking down at my feet. "Let's go inside."

The pop-up gallery was a modern artwork that consisted of a series of different rooms, each with a unique theme. Essentially, each room was its own individual art piece- from the lighting to the décor to the music filling the air. Walking through the corridors from one room to the next felt like getting transported to another realm. I was so immersed in the experience; I almost forgot my mission.

"Wow, this is amazing," I gaped, running my fingers along the wall that was lighting up with various mixing colors. "I've never seen something like this before."

Jungkook walked up behind me, his chest close enough to brush up against my back with each breath, but I didn't step away as I should have. "Mm, yeah, it's like each area is a different world that the artist imagined."

I turned to face him, keeping the same closeness between us. "Maybe that's an idea for your showcase. You have a lot of different influences between your life in Japan and your life in Korea. I think it'd be neat if your individual pieces told their own story, with each piece eventually coming together for one overarching theme."

"I think I have an idea for that overarching theme, too."

There was an uncomfortable silence between us, spent staring into each other's eyes, before I regained my composure and mustered the courage to say what I needed to. "If it's alright, I'd like to discuss some things privately," I nibbled at my lip, now struggling to keep the eye contact we had mainted so easily just moments ago. "Can we grab a coffee somewhere?"

"Yes, we can."

Secretary Jeon [Jungkook x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now