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Dressed in wrinkled pajamas, previously perfectly curled hair now a brushed-through mess, and precisely done makeup scrubbed from my face, I laid on the couch, wallowing in self-pity as I watched Jungkook scramble around in the kitchen. This was my own fault for lying, certainly, but it still felt like an unfair punishment. Jungkook would be doting on me for the next several hours while I looked like an absolute hot mess, and had to pretend like I felt like it, too. I couldn't even enjoy his sweet attentiveness because I was so nervous about him finding out that I was faking.

"So, what's on the agenda today?" I called over to Jungkook, sitting up and opening my laptop.

"Food first," Jungkook insisted, placing a bowl of food before me, and snatching away the computer. "I'm sure you haven't eaten anything today."

Well, that was true, but not for the reasons you're thinking, Jungkook. "Fine," I whined, looking down at the rice porridge that he had prepared. Though it was a simple dish, intended not to upset my stomach, it looked delicious.

"Make sure you drink plenty of water, too," he said pointing to the glass in front of me. He watched over me, waiting for me to start eating before he started looking over the work materials. "There weren't any urgent meetings or deadlines today, so you don't need to worry too much about being out."

"That's good, so we should be able to wrap up pretty quickly and you can take the rest of the day off," I sighed in relief. The sooner this was over the better.

"Don't worry, I'll stay until the end of the workday," Jungkook smiled. "There is some paperwork to take care of, but I should be able to handle it myself while you rest. I'll let you know if I have any questions."

Great. Always so diligent, even when I need you not to be. I gave him a weak smile in response and continued to eat the porridge. Focused now on his work, Jungkook held his stylus between his lips as his eyes scanned the tablet in his lap. He'd dressed in his work usual work ensemble sans the suit jacket, and he was looking damn good. I'd never really taken a moment to really look at him at the office, but the business look suited him. Really, everything suited him. He looked equally perfect in a plain shirt and jeans. I was just hyper aware of it now that I'd admitted my true feelings.

"You're staring, Y/N," Jungkook suddenly commented, his eyes still peeled to the tablet. "If you're bored, I can involve you with some of this."

My cheeks heated and I cleared my throat, thankful that he was too concentrated to spare me a glance. "Yes, please," I practically begged. If I'm left to my own devices, I'm just going to keep staring at you.

"We have to select a venue for our next big show," he started. "The directors are having a hard time deciding between doing something local in Seoul or going out of country and hosting it in Paris."

"Let's stay local," I hummed. "It's an opportunity for us to show the beauty of Seoul and it will be a lot easier to manage from a logistical standpoint."

"Your face is looking a bit flushed, by the way," Jungkook noted, looking up at me. "Are you feeling feverish?"

My eyes widened at his comment, and I felt the redness deepening with my embarrassment. Did he have eyes in the top of his head? "I'm fine, really," I muttered softly.

He set down his work, and headed towards the kitchen, rustling through bags that he had brought in when he'd arrived. Pulling out a box of medicine, he popped out two tablets and took a seat next to me. "Take these."

I looked down to the tablets in the palm of his hand. Since I wasn't legitimately ill, taking the pills could have negative side effects, or at the very least make me feel dizzy and drowsy. Maybe this had gone too far... "I'm sorry, Jungkook, I'm not sick," I mumbled, looking down at my hands shamefully. He was probably going to be pissed, but I deserved it.

"What do you mean?" He tilted his head at me and placed the pills on the table. "Your voice this morning, and your face- you don't look well."

"I lied."

I watched as about ten different emotions cycled through Jungkook's face- ranging from confusion to amusement, before he finally spoke up. "Uh- why lie? If you wanted to play hooky you could have just told me."

"I- I don't know, Jungkook," I sighed. "It's a long story."

He poked at my cheek, "and that doesn't explain this."

I opened my mouth to speak, but unsure of how I could get myself out of his last comment, promptly snapped my jaw shut. Having him just inches from my face, touching me, I felt increasingly vulnerable. It was starting to grow more difficult to steady my breaths. My feelings toward him were out on display, obvious. "You should go," I spoke coldly.

He appeared hurt by my stern words, his lashes fluttering as he tried to comprehend the situation. "Did I do something wrong?"

I couldn't bare to see him misunderstand, but I also wanted nothing more than to take him in my arms, and that couldn't happen right now. Not before I cleared up my muddled emotions and found out if his were the same. "No, but..."

"I won't go," Jungkook shook his head. "Not until you tell me what is going on with you."

I grew frustrated, feeling as though I had no escape. Fine, Jungkook. If you want to take it there, then let's take it there. Moment of truth. I raised my hand to cup his face, gently, pulling him towards me eagerly. I closed my eyes as I placed my lips against his. All the nervousness I felt, the butterflies swimming in my stomach, disappeared the moment we made contact. Replacing them, was a feeling of pure bliss. Kissing him felt like second nature. Like it was what I was designed to do.

At first, perhaps shocked by my actions, his body stiffened, and I feared that I had misread the situation. But just a moment longer and he was reciprocating, snaking one hand tightly behind my waist, and the other on the side of my neck, deepening the kiss. It felt as though I was being shocked by electricity, everywhere his skin touched mine. I grew dizzy, drunk on the feeling of his soft lips, his breath mixing with mine as our mouths intertwined.

By the time we separated, our chests were heaving breathlessly, both our faces reddened from the heat of what had just happened. We looked into each other's eyes silently, unsure of what words to use. Whatever we were before, there was no going back now, that much was certain.

Secretary Jeon [Jungkook x Reader]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant