Chapter 15

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I look at Rachel's pictures on Facebook of the honeymoon, smiling softly I didn't want to tell her that Frank called me not till I know she's not with him I also am scared to tell her that Adam called me, the bedroom door opens and Sherry stands there "hey" I say a smile on my face "Ken said you aren't feeling well, I came to see if you needed anything" I smile and shake my head Ken went to go get his mom's medicine along with some vitamins for me and also ice cream for me "no I'm good" she tilts her head then walks over climbing into bed with me

"What happened? Is it Ken I'll beat his ass" I smile at the women and shake my head tears forming "it's not him" she takes her hand into mine "family?" I nod "I get blamed for one little thing and now I just keep getting more heat" She rubs my hand "could you control what happened?" I look at her

I couldn't tell her Frank and Adam raped me, I couldn't tell her Adam raped my sister and that's why she is dead, I can't tell her that Adam told me to go overdose again and kill this baby like I did to his

I let out a sob and she pulls me into her chest, the women was sick dying and I couldn't even tell her, "I'm sorry about what ever is going on"
A couple minutes later I hear the front door open I look at sherry and smile "do you want me to have him bring you up some ice cream?" She asks getting out of bed I nod softly and lay back down

"Hey mom said you were crying" Ken says putting the bowl of double chocolate ice cream down on my lap, he slides back into bed "I'm fine" I tell him then eat a spoonful of the ice cream, "you sure? I know you were crying last night then also today" i look at him and hold the spoon out to his mouth and he takes some ice cream "it's all fine, I need to get into a therapy meeting"
"Ok, I'm here also" I smile at his words taking another spoon full of the ice cream "I know thank you"

I find myself walking downstairs at the smell of something good "what are you making?" I ask Ken who looks back at me "grilled cheese?" I smile and go over kissing his cheek "you are amazing" He wraps his arm around me "how you feeling?" I nod then lay my head on his chest "I'm sleepy still"
"Well after this you go back to sleep" I smile "only if you lay down with me" he nods kissing my forehead I smile

"Rena" i groan and push at Ken "I was sleeping good" I whine "I know I'm sorry but I have to take my mom to the hospital she feel and I think her leg is broke I don't know how old peoples bones are weird I wanted to know if you wanted to come?" My eyes widen "is she ok?"
"Probably, did you want to come?" I sigh shaking my head "I don't want to wait in the waiting room I know that's messed up, call me when I can come" he nods kissing me

My anxiety is to a high so now I clean the house while I wait for Ken to tell me about how Sherry is, it's been two hours and they are getting X-rays done, he told me I was more then welcome to come, so now I am on my way to the hospital

"Hey" I say as the nurse shows me the room Sherry looks at me and smiles "how you feeling?" I ask "Isn't the first time I broke my leg" she laughs I smile and sit down next to Ken "you also have a concussion" my eyes widen at his words "how?" I ask "from the fall she hit her head on the dresser" I sigh "oh god" I say "hey I'm already getting dementia just helping the process" I wince at her words

"She has got get surgery" Ken says she nods groaning "second time is the charm" she giggles I start to get a pain in my belly as she says that "you ok?" Ken asks I nod "yeah" rubbing the spot that hurt the nurse comes in wearing a small smile "I'm hear you help you move to a room" she says "oh fun" Sherry smiles "you two are welcome to follow" the nurse says
"So what's your name?" The nurse asks Sherry as we walk down the hall "Sherry?" She asks "what's your date of birth?" That stumps the old women who looks at Ken "12 18?" She asks Ken shakes his head "that's Aubrey's" he tells her and she sighs I squeeze his hand as I get another shot of pain in my belly

"Her concussion gave her head trauma, we also found a tumor on her lung" the doctor tells us there with my "is the tumor cancer?" Ken asks "we don't know yet, with the head trauma she is having and the fact that she has dementia it isn't good" he groans rubbing his eyes
"I'm dying?" Sherry asks the doctor looks at her and sighs "we don't know that yet" she rolls her eyes waving her arms around "can I get some water?" I ask the doctor who nods "I'll be right back with that"

The pains in my belly grows as Ken leaves to go call his sister Sherry has fallen asleep a nurse comes in a small smile on her face "you her granddaughter?" She asks I shake my head "I'm her sons girlfriend" she nods and hands me the water "hey uh I'm getting stomach pains, I'm about two months pregnant is that ok?" I ask her "no it's not ok, did this just start?" I nod she smiles softly "it's probably just the stress of what's going on I'll have to send you to the ER for them to run some test and make sure you aren't miscarrying" I nod softly Ken walks in "I have to go get some test done" I tell him he raises his eyebrow "I knew you weren't ok" he tells me the nurse smiles "I hope to see you tomorrow and that's everything is ok with the baby" the nurse says as I stand

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