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ellie grazer
#.   017

𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗥𝗢𝗢𝗠 was quiet when I had woken up. I didn't know how long I was out for but it was still light out. I blinked away my tiredness, my eyes still being slightly sore as I rolled over. Only when I saw Alina was when the previous happenings had flashed across my mind. A smile had instantly stretched across my cheeks as I watched while she laid on her back and stared at the ceiling. She hadn't looked my way just yet so I propped myself up, causing her to glance at me.

"Hi." I said quietly. My skin was tingling and I felt so giddy. The grin on my face was only an understatement to my fluttering stomach.

She turned her head to me, her smile not as wide as mine, hers was barely visible actually. "Hi." She said back, yet wasn't nearly as enthusiastic as me. I had to frown, her behaviour now confusing me.

I shuffled closer to her, questioning why she seemed so off. It just didn't really seem like her. I had myself pushed up on my elbow, my eyebrows now slightly bent. "You okay?"

She seemed to change after that, her demeanour going back to normal. "Oh, yeah." It was like she had shaken it off. "I'm okay. Are you?" She asked while pushing a smile between her cheeks.

My smile extended once more and I nodded. I admired her face, her beauty and her lips, her beautiful plush lips that I wanted to kiss. I came closer, now slightly touching her, and began to lean towards her. She stayed where she was, lying still and didn't lean in or away. Feeling the welcome to kiss her, I went in all the way and gently pressed my lips against hers.

It was a soft kiss. A sweet one that I wanted to last. It drew electricity from my skin and made my insides melt. Never would I have thought that I would be kissing Alina Dormer. It did feel different though. I couldn't help but notice that she didn't push in. She didn't raise her head or really move her lips at all. She didn't kiss me back.

I pulled away, releasing her mouth with my previous smile. She gazed into my eyes but it didn't feel the same. She looked back but it didn't feel as genuine as my gaze did. I flickered my eyes back to her lips and started to draw back in once more but couldn't because she had pulled her head away and stood from the bed.

"I'll um, put away our clothes." She said dully but in a way where she sounded like she was trying to think of an excuse.

I pushed myself up, now leaning on my hand as I stared at her with an even harder frown. She was picking up our clothes and was avoiding my stare. What was she doing?

"Are you okay?" I asked again, this time much more concerned. She hadn't really done anything to alarm me but she was just off. She seemed colder and much more abrupt. It wasn't her.

"Yeah." She replied while still not looking at me and instead walked off to the hamper where she dumped the clothes in.

I sat up fully now, my hands now resting in my lap and I just looked at her. My stomach felt weird and my gut did too. She wasn't looking at me. She was doing everything but looking at me. She walked past the bed and I had to reach out to her, grabbing onto her wrist to stop her from walking. It stopped her though and it finally got her to look at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, worry now heavy as I tried to understand what was wrong. I wanted her to talk to me.

She was trying to pull her wrist away. I could tell and it really did sting. "Nothing." She shook her head slightly and pulled a confused face. "Honestly." She chuckled but it still sounded so off.

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