i love you (fluff)

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"Clay, don't worry. I'll be back to find you. Just...don't forget me okay?", 8 year old George sniffled with tears running down his cheeks.

"I won't forget you. I promise. Will you promise me too?", 8 year old Clay replied shakily.

"I promise. To make sure we don't ever forget each other and we keep our promise, I made both of us bracelets. It's adjustable so when we grow older, the bracelet won't get small. Yours is the blue one,", George said sincerely.

Clay nodded and put it on. He brought George into a hug and kissed the side of his mouth. "I love you George,"

"I love you too Clay," George replied with a chaste kiss on the nose.

(young love amirite?)

FLASHBACK OVER (they were both 8 before and now 17)

George POV (first person)

Today was my first day back in Florida. The first time in 9 years.

I was being woken up by my mother when I was day dreaming.

"George honey, your gonna be late for school if you don't get up now,"

I groaned and started my daily routine. Get up, shower, brush my teeth, eat, pack my bag, put on the bracelet, kiss the bracelet, leave. That's what every morning was like for me. As I was putting on the bracelet, I thought about a question that scared me. What if I meet him again? I smiled at 8 year old Clay. He was beautiful. A masterpiece sent right from the gods.

I kissed the bracelet and then raced downstairs with my backpack and headed out the door. I ran out the door, bidding my mum goodbye. As I was running, I managed to connect my AirPods to my phone and put them in my ears. When I reached school, I made my way to the principal's office. I was then taken to my first class and introduced as the new student. You know, the usual.

After the first period ended, I was making my way to my second class when I was bumped into quite hard. I got sent tumbling backwards with the person lying near me. His head shot up and he scrambled towards me.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Are you alright dude?", the boy said.

I looked up and was met with familiar eyes. I couldn't quite catch what was so familiar but I brushed it off.

"I'm alright. Thanks for asking.", I responded.

He extended his arm out for me when something blue on his wrist caught my eye. I looked at my own wrist saw it was covered by my hoodie sleeve. I looked back at his wrist and saw the bracelet. The same bracelet I was wearing now but, blue.

He looked at me confused when I didn't take his hand. He saw where I was looking moved his hand back.

I stood up on my own and whispered with tears in my eyes "Clay? Is that you?"

His eyes widened and looked down at my wrist which was now exposing the lime coloured bracelet. His mouth dropped open and said "George?"

Clay POV (first person)

His eyes started watering and then he whispered "Clay? Is that you?"

I widened my eyes in surprise and looked down at his wrist which showed a familiar lime coloured bracelet. My mouth dropped open and then I said back "George?"

He jumped into my arms while bawling his eyes out silently. I held him tighter while we crashed to the ground. I wrapped my arms around his waist and tucked my head into his shoulder.

We finally pulled apart and stared at each other. I looked at George, taking all of his features in. He had the same brown fluffy hair, straight nose, faded freckles, and pink lips. I wonder how I didn't recognise him. He must've also been staring at me and taking my features in as well.

I broke the silence by finally speaking up "I can't believe your actually here George. Also, you kept the bracelet. Like you promised."

He smiled widely at me and said "I can barely believe what's happening Clay. Yes, yes I did keep the bracelet. So did you, I see?"

I nodded but then my eyes travelled down so they were staring at his lips. "Do you remember we never broke up?", he said quietly.

My eyes never left his lips but I hummed in response. "Does that I mean I can kiss you properly now that we're older?", I asked.

He smiled and leaned in. I finished the gap between us as our lips met. They immediately started moving against each other. We both smiled against the kiss as I pushed my tongue onto his. Finally, we both pulled apart and rested our foreheads together.

"This feels surreal,", George spoke up.

This is did feel surreal. I couldn't believe I was seeing George. Again. I couldn't believe I was holding him. Again. I couldn't believe I kissed him. Again.

I pressed a kiss on the side of his mouth and said "I love you George,"

"I love you too Clay," he replied with a kiss on the nose.


(ya'll, i think i finally wrote something cute for once)

a/n okay guyssssss, what do ya think? i hope i didnt do too bad. if u want me to change some things, just message and i can add/change things! eat, drink, sleep!

word count: 871

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