《 Chapter 9: Final Battle 》

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In Green Hills, the forces of G.U.N. are arriving outside and surrounding the café with armed personnel and military vehicles. Outside, Walters arrives in a helicopter with Tom and Maddie where the Secretary of Homeland Security comes in.


"Status report." Walters said.

"Robotnik is in there with Stone and a hostage. Possibly local peedi and I'm not saying he's dumb, but he is a local peedi. This town is in a lot of trouble."

Tom and Maddie looked at each other knowingly.


The doors of the coffee cafe opened and smokes comes out and there Robotnik comes before them, floating all dressed up black with emerald green lines, looking all powered up. He observed how several GUN agents pointed their weapons at him.

"Um... okay." Maddie said.

"Rocking that spring news collection, I see." Tom commented.

"Well, if it isn't the Pastry King." Robotnik said.

"It's the Donut Lord. You know, a real genius would remember that name of the guy who helped kicked your butt off this planet and I'll do it again if you mess with Green Hills."

"Congratulations on your oh-so-temporary sense of superiority." Robotnik sassed.

"You're finished, Robotnik. We've taken everything. Your lab, your drones, your funding! Let's see how big of a man you are without your silly little robots." Walters said.

"Would you like to see how... big of a man I can be?"

Robotnik blasts out his new powers and begins to tear apart G.U.N.'s vehicles and all other forms of technology in the vicinity and pulling it into a tornado, which he began to float into it.

"Welcome to the new norm!"

All the G.U.N. Agents gets off their vehicle as they get torn apart. Tom, Maddie, and Walters watched in shock.

"My God!" Walters gasped.

Stone runs out of the coffee cafe and looks up at Robotnik.

"Doctor! Take me with you!"

Robotnik gladly takes him into the tornado as Stone floats in the air. Everyone watches as the tornado gets bigger.

"He's taking everything apart." Tom said.

"He's building something." Maddie said.


Meanwhile, Sonic, Y/N, Tails, and Knuckles emerge from a Ring outside of town in the Tornado. As they fly, they spot Robotnik's tornado.

"That can only be one thing." Tails said.

"The fearsome power of the emerald." Knuckles confirmed.

"That doesn't look good." Y/N said.

"If that thing really turns thoughts into power, we are in big trouble. Robotnik has a lot of bad thoughts." Sonic said.

"No kidding." Y/N agreed.

Tails whispers to Sonic and Y/N.

"Hey, Sonic, Y/N. Are you sure it was a good idea bringing you-know-who aboard?"

"Knuckles isn't really a bad guy." Y/N defended.

"He's just a little... mixed up." Sonic added.

Knuckles turns to them offended.

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