《 Sneak Peek: I Make This Look Good 》

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Sonic and Y/N snowboard through the mountain, looking back at the tremendous work they did to the destroyed Egg Bots.

"Yeah! I make this look good!"

"Yeah, we did!"

Suddenly, Knuckles emerges from the explosion also snowboarding on the piece of metal of the Egg Bot as he landed with a grunt.

"Oh, great. The Winter Soldier." Sonic groaned, rolling his eyes.

Y/N groaned, rubbing her face. They really need to stop meeting like this as she thought.

"Why am I friends with him in the first place? He's too good!!"

Knuckles comes between them and punches Sonic to the side of the rocky wall. Y/N glares and kicks Knuckles in the stomach, causing him to kneel in pain.

"No one hurts my brother like that!"

She brings out her green emerald chisel knife she summons from her necklace and tries to cut him, which he dodged easily. Just as she goes for another swing, he grabs her arm and they spin for a second until Y/N finds herself being wrapped around the waist with her back facing him and her hand being held by his big gloved hand. She spins him back, getting herself out of his grip when she finds herself facing him with their hands held still.

They look like they're doing "You'll Never Tango" dance, but in snowboarding. She tries to push him back, but accidentally causes herself to fall when Knuckles catches her and dips her down. Their faces were inches apart. Y/N blushes in embarrassment and instinctively punches him straight in the face, causing him to let go of her.

"Ughh!!" Knuckles groaned, rubbing his face.

"That was too close!!" Y/N screamed in her own thoughts, snowboarding away from Knuckles.

Sonic manages to control his skidding without falling after that hit. Knuckles sees him and goes straight towards him with his fist raised.

"Sonic, look out!" Y/N warned.

Sonic sees him and quickly ducks as Knuckes punches through the trees, cutting them down.

"For a guy named Knuckles, you are really bad at punching."

Y/N rolled her eyes at that and glared at Knuckles, who caught up to them. Knuckles glared coldly at Sonic.

"You're no match for me! I've been training for this my entire life!"

"And I have no training at all, yet here I am ahead of you." Sonic teased.

Sonic and Y/N skids up ahead of Knuckles to avoid him, but he's on their trail.

"That's gotta be embarrassing!"

Sonic and Y/N skid up in the air from the rocky cliff with Knuckles behind, but he punches through the cliff with powerful strength, tearing everything into pieces. In slow motion, Sonic yelps, hanging upside down from flipping off the cliff as Knuckles' eyes glows red and he goes to punch Sonic. Y/N's eyes widens as she begins to summon her weapon.


A/N: That's a wrap, folks! Can't wait for the movie coming up soon! Oh, and that little dance scene takes place from Ice Age 3. Love the interaction between Scrat and Scratte 😁😁

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