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Aradhya couldn't sleep the whole night. Not because of what Vihaan said or what he did. She couldn't sleep mainly because he had thrown himself on her.

He was knocked out the moment he asked Aradhya why he liked him. Aradhya had to pull every muscle in her body to yank him to the bed.

Aradhya woke up after getting the most minimal amount of sleep she ever had in her life. She wiped the sweat off of her neck. She snuggled around trying to get off the bed but she was a bit taken aback but not exactly surprised by Vihaan's arm around her waist holding her down. She sighed.

Aradhya peeked at him to see him sleeping soundly with his still red face from all the drinking he did the day before. She scoffed. How was he able to hold her down even he was asleep?

Aradhya looked out the window and the sun was on the brink of emerging. She tried her best to get up and yet, no luck. She let out a defeated sigh and flopped back on the bed beside Vihaan who instinctively jerked closer.

Now, it was weird to Aradhya. It was making her nervous a bit. Their proximity was way too much. Aradhya felt Vihaan's breath on her neck the whole night which -just the thought- made her shiver. Aradhya pushed Vihaan away with the littlest of force. Enough for him, to wake up.

Vihaan almost immediately jerked away to the other end of the bed when he realised what the situation was.

"What in the world?!" He exclaimed.

"Yes, what in the world is a pretty accurate question." Aradhya retorted getting out of the bed.

"What were you doing on my side of the bed."

"Excuse me, I was okay sleeping on the ground rather than next to you. You were the one who did not let me get even an hour of sleep last night."

"Stop lying, Aradhya. I did not know you were like this."

"What? This is all my fault now? You were the one who was acting crazy after getting drunk yesterday."

"That has never happened. Stop blaming me. I didn't get drunk. Do you have any evidence?"

"No, but -"

"Exactly. How can you be so bold?"

Aradhya went through a whole panic attack trying to prove to him that she wants the one who did all that but she could not even blame him for not remembering. He was drunk.

"Are you serious? I didn't even know you would be here." Aradhya explained herself as Vihaan walked up to her furiously, "I promise, it was not-"

Vihaan stood dangerously close to her with a sly smirk on his face. He chuckled at her. He cupped her face and scooted back.

"I'm just messing with you. I remember everything."

.   .   .   .

Everyone had gathered at the royal gardens for some family time at the palace. Vihaan was almost going crazy with Darsh and his cute antics. He found every single quirk of his fascinating. Rajmata, Sadhana and Tamasvini were in a world of their own. Rihit and Nandini tried to seem as though they were having a good friendly conversation but they went in with their relationship's foolish charm.

On the other hand, Aradhya looked over the whole scene from the view of her balcony. She was good where she was. She felt the safest where she was.

Within the walls of her room. Just as she was in Shiladhika. She saw Tamasvini pulling her evil charm on Rajmata. Through Sadhana looked unconvinced, she was uncomfortable.

She looked around and found Vihaan staring at her with concerned eyes. He handed Darsh to Nandini and Rihit. He raised her new at her to which Aradhya replied with just a side nod. She turned away and walked into her room.

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