Chapter 32

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Walking out of a limo they heard Adrien's and Damian's names being called and Damian was getting asked who Marinette was and if they were dating throughout the whole walk in question were screamed at them.

The group arrived, waiters were all over the room fixing up any and every little thing that was out of place in the center of the room were Mr. Agreste and Natalie who were telling people what to fix.

Walking up to them Gabriel heard the footsteps and turned to see his son and his friends. The group was all dressed in suits and Marinette was dressed in a gorgeous red gown.

"Your right on time, the gala will begin in a few minutes, your classmates' downfall will be very soon" Gabriel didn't even get to finish his sentence when small grins broke out on their faces at the word downfall.

Even Damian had a small smile on his face, he was happy his girlfriend had to no longer deal with such a girl as a classmate.

Marinette had taken the chance to look around the room. It was like a ball from Cinderella. It was exciting, so many celebrities, designers, singers, actors all in one place, sure the cause wasn't the best but her very first gala.

Looking around she saw a small circular table in a corner of the room that held nothing on it but a small stack of paper. "What is that table for Mr. Agreste?" Marinette asked, pointing to the table.

"That is a table where your classmate's lawsuit is sitting, her mother has been informed of the situation and was apparently completely unaware of what was happening, seeing as she was not told of her daughter's lies we will be letting the liar pay her own lawsuit from Italy '' he said.

With that, he and Natalie went to fix up any last minute details making sure the gala would be perfect for when guests arrive.

To any paparazzi, this was a charity event but to the celebrities and the ones who helped plan they knew it was to sue a girl who had been given multiple chances to stop with the lies but she had not listened and now she would face the consequences.

Ten or fifteen minutes passed by, then soon the place started to fill with screams of celebrities' names from the press who were waiting outside to catch an interview or a couple of pictures from their news story.

Before they knew it people were walking in and waiters had gone to start getting the final drinks ready for when guests walk in.

Soon the class walked down the red carpet, by then the press were bored and didn't even try to take their pictures or even ask them who they even were.

Lila, wanting some kind of attention, went up to a reporter and asked why they were all packing up and they answered that the gala had already started and everyone was inside.

That was when the class realised that they were late for a huge event and walked in as they walked in their jaws dropped. The place was gorgeous and famous celebrities from all over the world were there.

Not only that but most of them were the ones Lila had lied about her classmates were just looking around and asking Lila to introduce them to everyone she knew.

But all Lila could do, would hope the ground would swallow her whole. Each word her classmates said made her paler by the second.

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