Chapter 28

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Marinette and Damian had come inside a few hours later and fell asleep cuddling while watching another disney movie. Nino was up in his room trying to forget the hurt look on the face of the girl he used to love. He felt guilty nothing could change it, he had hurt her but his feelings for her were long gone.

Back with the class

When the girls were all trying to comfort a crying Alya who was more than a little upset about the breakup with Nino. Lila tried to make Alya calm down that Nino was just getting some time apart before they got back together and all the girls agreed with her they all knew Alya and Nino were meant for each other.

That was when Lila started talking about her infamous Damiboo, completely forgetting that she nearly exposed herself in front of Alya when she claimed to be dating her boyfriend. Damian even threatened to sue her.

"Don't worry Alya, he's probably doing this to get your attention then before you know it you two will be back  together after all we all know your soulmates." Lila says, trying to cheer her up, but Juelka doesn't understand.

"But it still hurts Alya why would Nino want to hurt her feelings? '' Rose asked and Lila realised a flaw in her plan, Rose and Mylene were always too kind for their own good.

Lila had to come with something quick or she would be ruined. "To surprise her like my Damiboo did for me he was just overthinking things and the stress of school got to him and he didn't realise what he did until it was almost too late, but then he asked to get back together and I said yes of course" Lila said the lie rolling off her tongue.

Alya stiffened after hearing her word picking up on something that no one else had done the real Damina Wayne had threatened to sue her before saying he had never met or dated a Lila Rossi, was she lying like Marinette had said and was she right from the beginning.

She was overthinking it at least that's what Alya thought she was snapped out of her thoughts by teh girls asking who her precious Damiboo and them asking about her and Adrien.

"Oh my Damiboo is Damian Wayne of course, we dated for a bit when I lived in Gotham but had to break up as I was moving to Paris and we didn't want to do long distance, just don't talk about we never told the press and they would go crazy if they found out." Lila said, playing innocent.

"What if Damian wanted to get back together with you would you or would you stay with Adrien?" Alix asked "I would stay with Adrien. We love each other and I moved on a long time ago" she said and the girls awed at how she and Adrien apparently loved each other. Unknown to them it was a lie.

"But enough about me we're here to help Alya after all" she said sounding like the perfect best friend which gave her a chance to come up with a set of lies about the Waynes disregarding the law suite warning.

"Hey Lila, when do you think Nino will realise his mistake about breaking up with me" Alya asked, forgetting her previous thoughts of Lila being a liar after all Marinette was just jealous of Lila and Adriens relationship.

Lila was about to answer but Alya's phone rang. It was her mom, she looked up from her phone and to her friends who were looking at her "you guys put on a movie, it's my mom I'm going to answer this" she said walking out into the hallway.

Hey guys,
How was the chapter? I need ideas for the next chapter so if you have any ideas of what could happen next put them in the comments
Enjoy reading :)

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