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"There is something extraordinary about the first time falling." Ally Condie, Reached



It had been five long years since the Duke and Duchess of Ashwood had made an appearance in London for the Season. Their invitation to the opening ball of the summer had become one of the most coveted in a long time, and each invite had been responded to rapidly with eager acceptances. Jem had kept a sharp eye out for the acceptance of Mrs Martin and her daughter, and it had promptly arrived.

Though the wiser of the ton knew many would be making an appearance to gawk at the duchess, as Grace had been the 1807 Season's favourite topic of gossip. The union between the duke and the housemaid had been touted by many to fail. How long would it be before the duke spurned his 'flavour of the month'? Such were the questions asked by those of whom who were not intimately acquainted with Adam and Grace. They had certainly proved the aristocracy wrong, having been happily married for five years and a half, with their third child expected in the next few months.

Jem clearly had been living in naïve fairyland in Ashwood, as he really had had no idea of the level of trouble and gossip the rich folk had caused Grace five years earlier. Cecily had spent a great deal of the afternoon raving about it, targeting her bitterness at the situation at Jem as he was the only one in the vicinity to hear her.

Cecily claimed that she was sharpening her knives, and her tongue, in preparation for that evening's festivities.

Jem had previously thought that he was the one with the most nerves surrounding the upcoming ball, but in seeing his elder sister, Jem felt immensely guilty. After all, it was he who had bade her come to London in the first place. Grace was doing all of this for him so that he might have a chance to reacquaint himself with Cressie. In her condition, Jem wanted to tell Grace to go home. He also wanted to fall at her feet in gratitude. He would in fact.

Grace resurfaced a little while later, dressed immaculately in a gown that both flattered and modestly concealed her growing figure. Her brow was stern as she spoke to both Mr Cole and Mrs Hayes, ensuring that the preparations were in order. Servants scurried about moving furniture and fixing candles while the footmen assisted the musicians with their instruments.

"Grace, would you like to sit down?" Jem asked his sister carefully.

Grace frowned at him, before she exhaled and smiled knowingly. "I am alright," she promised. "People will say what they wish to. It will not change anything. Though, it will always bring me comfort to know that I have Cecily Beresford behind me. Nobody knows better how to dress down a matron of society than her."

"I take that as the highest possible compliment, dear Grace," Cecily announced, having heard her comment from across the ballroom.

"And I meant it as such!" called Grace.

An hour before the guests were due to arrive, Jack and Claire arrived, shortly thereafter followed by Peter and Belle. Both ladies were dressed in impeccable ballgowns, which could only be of Belle's creation. Belle really was a walking advertisement for her business.

Jem greeted his family members with welcome relief, feeling grateful to have familiar faces in the vicinity as he took his first fawn-like step into the deep waters of London society.

"You must quite be the favourite of Grace's to bring her back to London," mused Jack. "Or perhaps my dear sister-in-law is merely the romantic and she is desperate to see her brother swept up in a felicitous courtship."

"Of course, he is. Jemmy is the baby of the family," chuckled Claire as she clutched onto the arm of her husband. "Though I know we are all itching to meet with your Cressie Martin. I am anxious to see her. Peter told me that he and Belle met her at the assembly last November."

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