16 | waking up

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Waking up in the hospital is a funny thing because the last thing you remember is always the scariest thing you can remember. 

The only one in the room is Rosalie. She's sitting in the chair right by the bed, her blonde hair falling into her face, still some blood on her fingertips. Her eyes are intensely trained on me, but soften around the edges once my eyes flutter open. 

"Hey." I croak, desperately dehydrated. My side and neck ache,  "How long was I out?" 

"Three days." Rosalie says plainly, her hand still on mine, like it never left. "I didn't think you would wake up."

I grab her hand, interlacing our fingers together. "My mom's here?" I roll my eyes, practically assuming. 

Rosalie nods, "Bella's room."

I roll my eyes again, "Her favorite child," I sigh, even though my heart jumps in my chest when I hear that Bella has her own hospital room. "Is she okay?"

Rosalie weakly smiles at me. "Just a broken leg." She looks me in the eyes, not saying a thing. She seems so distant, yet so close. I take my hand and run it across her cheek, just to make sure she's still there. She grabs my hand off of her face, placing it back on the annoyingly white hospital sheets.

"Rose," I whisper, "What are you doing?"

Rose looks up at me with tears of venom in her eyes. "Listen, Andie, if I was there a second later... who knows what would've happened? I hate that I brought you into this, and now you're hurt." She sighs. "I shouldn't have told you about me, or... let this continue on."

"What are you saying?" I ask frantically, my heart racing in my chest and my breathing get rapid. Rosalie was the person that i lived for, she was the first thing I thought of in the morning and the last thing I thought of at night. She couldn't be saying what I think she was saying?

"Baby... I love you." Rosalie sighs shakily, looking deeply with thought into my eyes, " But I can't keep putting you in danger. If this is going to be the norm for a human and a vampire in love... You have to leave. Go live with your mom in Jacksonville. She wants you to go with her. " She's gripping my hand tightly, almost like she is scared of what will happen if she lets go. 

"But you... You don't understand how much I love you-" I start to ramble, but Rose cuts me off.

"I do, trust me..." She breathes deeply, "I love you more than you will ever know, more than words can describe... but It's better and safer for you if you leave with Bella and your mother," She smiles slightly... "If I love you, which I do, I have to do what's best for you."

"No." I say, "Rosalie you can't make me-"

The door opens and my mom and dad walk in. Rosalie gets up, a small smile on her face, and hugs Dad. "Hey honey." He says, sitting at the foot of the hospital bed. Rosalie quietly leaves, looking back at me once before she closes the door.

"How are you feeling?" Renee asks, holding my hand. 

"I'm okay..." I lie, my breath shaky. I try to hold back the tears in my eyes.

"Oh, I'm so glad!" Renee says.

Dad has tears on the edges of his eyes. "I'm glad you're okay, you scared us for a bit." He had always been the parent that got most scared about my illness. I smiled weakly at him, trying to reassure him. 

"Um... what happened?" I asked, trying to figure out the story that the Cullens gave him.

"Bella fell down some stairs.... She accidentally pulled you down..." Mom says, trying to jog my memory. "You don't remember any of this, do you?"

I shake my head. Mom shrugs. "Well honey, I think you'll love it in Jacksonville, and I'm glad your feeling better already, that way we can-"

"Mom, I'm sorry, but I'm not going." I say, and I can recognize the look of joy on Dad's face, even though he's trying to hide it. "I have friends in Forks, and I'm happier there."

Renee smiles sadly. "Bella said that too. I think it's because of that boy, Edward." She rolls her eyes, "You're sure?"

I nod.

Mom and dad stay for a while longer, and soon they leave to get me some food from the hospital cafeteria. I should be used to it, but that stuff still grosses me out. Right after they leave, Rosalie enters my room, a small relieved smirk on her face.

"You're so stubborn." She smiles, and lays next to me on the bed, grabbing my hand.

I laugh, "It's going to be much harder to get rid of me."

She kisses my lips, and even though I'm miles away from Forks, I feel home. 


20 K READS??????

you guys are insane and amazing. thank you all so much for reading. 

 i hope you enjoyed this chapter! i'm thinking one more chapter to this part of the story, and then we'll be starting New Moon. 

again, thank you for reading! ily guys

<3 Lola 

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