11 | baseball

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As Rosalie and I were walking back up to my house, towards the back to get in through my window, she says "You know, My family is playing baseball tommorrow. Because of the storm. Would you like to come, I think Edward is inviting Bella."

I look up at her, "I'd love too. But, why in the thunderstorm?" 

Rosalie just laughs her melodic laugh, flipping her hair over her shoulder, "You'll see."


I stand by Bella, fidgeting with my oxygen tank. "How will we tell him?" I whisper.

Bella sighs, "We just do it."

"Or we can not, and say were going out by ourselves." I smile, pleading with her to not have to tell dad. 

"I'm just going on a date, and you're just having a outing with a friend." Bella smiles, "Maybe... Maybe it won't be so hard."

Oh, if she only knew.

She leaves without another word, leaving me in the kitchen doorway to watch. She approaches dad, and as he tries to say hello, she says, "I have a date with Edward Cullen."

Dad looks up from cleaning his shotgun, bewildered, "He's to old for you." God, he looks like he's having an aneurysm.  

"We're both juniors," Bella defends. "I thought you liked the Cullens." 

Suddenly, I realized that Bella, Edward, and his respectful bullshit are going to prevent us from going. "I'm going too, Dad. Rosalie invited me, the whole family will be there."

"Please?" Bella says. "He's... Important to me. They're outside right now."

"Now?" Charlie asks, still surprised, "Out there?"

"He wants to meet you." Bella sighs, "Officially."

 "Okay." Charlie says, and cocks his gun in mock-seriousness. 

"Please," I say suddenly, "Be nice. He's important to Bella, and... Rosalie is here, and she's important too."

Charlie gives us a hesitant yet reassuring nod, and Bella sighs, smiling, and goes to open the door and fetch Edward and Rosalie. 

They come into the kitchen a few moments later, Edward and Rosalie both in a coats, trying to look humanly. 

"Chief Swan, I wanted to introduce myself." Edward reaches out his hand, and Charlie hesitantly takes it. "I'm Edward Cullen."

Rosalie smiles, and reaches out her hand, "I'm Rosalie Hale, Chief Swan. It's really nice to meet you, Andie has said a lot about you."

Charlie seems to soften, shaking Rosalie's hand. "All good things, I hope."

Rosalie chuckles, "Of course."

"We won't keep them out to late, we're just going to play baseball with the rest of the family." Edward says. 

Charlie looks skeptical, "Them... playing baseball?"

"Dad." I roll my eyes. 

"More power to you I guess." Charlie smiles to me. 

Edward looks Charlie in the eye, "I'll take care of Bella, I promise."

Charlie nods hesitantly, and we all start to walk out, but Charlie holds Bella back for a second, whispering, "You still got that pepper spray."

I laugh, "Dad, let her go."

Charlie smiles and waves to meas we exit out the front door, saying, "Keep Bella in sight!"

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